A Strange Parade in Rome

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From Zenit:
Last Sunday, while Roman Catholics lit the pink candle representing joy and hope in the midst of the Advent season, elsewhere in the city torches were brandished, reminiscent of the barbarian sacks and sieges of old. Romans bustling about making their Christmas preparations were astounded to encounter marchers attending the World Atheism Convention, held here Dec. 11-13.

Some 500 demonstrators, hailing from England, Italy, Germany and France, paraded through the city, waving signs and banners proclaiming “God does not exist” and “Monotheism is the root of all evil.”

The atheists adopted Giordano Bruno as the patron for their convention. Giordano Bruno, born in 1548, had been a Dominican monk until 1576 when he renounced his order and his vows. He then fled to Switzerland, England and Germany, first joining, then getting excommunicated from, both the Calvinists and the Lutherans.

Refusing to renounce his teachings and writings that maintained positions such as the non-divinity of Christ, Bruno was condemned by the Roman Inquisition and consigned to the secular authorities. On Feb. 17, 1600, state authorities had Bruno burned at the stake in Campo de’ Fiori, one of the pilgrimage destinations for this unusual crowd.

Ironically, Bruno’s ideas make him a pantheist, who believes everything is divine, whereas the atheists believe nothing is divine.

The atheism convention drew members from sundry organizations bearing names such as “There Is No God,” “Apostasy” and “Raelian Revolution.” A few Satanists tagged along for good measure.

While most of these titles are self-explanatory, Rael was a new name in this city. It turns out that Rael was a French journalist who claimed to have been contacted by a 4-foot-tall, long-haired alien on Dec. 13, 1973, who explained that humans had mistaken these same aliens for gods and that indeed they were the founders of all the major religions.

Just as “children need to understand that there is no Santa, people need to realize there is no God,” explained the alien. These aliens are hoping to set up an embassy to Earth, although they will not be presenting their credentials to the Holy See.

The marchers’ route took them from the Colosseum, an appropriate enough beginning, to Piazza Venezia where Mussolini used to harangue his troops. Here they formed a logjam, blocking traffic as they attempted to continue their march to its intended destination – St. Peter’s Square. The Romans, having seen many an invading barbarian horde over the centuries, merely shrugged and took another path to continue their activities.


Code: ZE04121624
Date: 2004-12-16
Rome Gets Rael; Blessing of the Bambinelli
An Unlikely Convention Gathers
Wierd people have been protesting in Rome for eons. May they have the right to do so forever!
Oh, Yeh! Well Hell will not prevail against Holy Mother Church and neither will atheist:D God Bless
<<<Ironically, Bruno’s ideas make him a pantheist, who believes everything is divine, whereas the atheists believe nothing is

So, there is no god? Um…interesting.

From the Ralien webpage.

"God does not exist, we were the ones who made all life on earth,
“you mistook us for gods and distorted our teachings of love”
“we now reveal how to realise your potential and achieve global peace” "*- Yahweh -

*“Benevolence, charity, forfeiting wars, love for humankind - these, the Brunsons believe, are prerequisites before Raelians can even begin cloning themselves into eternal life.”

This is a pretty straightforward sentence about how messed up the athiest movement is. They don’t even recognize what Bruno thought, nor that he wasn’t an athiest. He had to believe in some sort of god of somekind.

In Christ,
Wierd people have been protesting in Rome for eons. May they have the right to do so forever!
Protesting only causes more hate! What exactly did those people accomplish when protesting. One doesn’t in my opinion have the right to protest by means of violence.

Padre Pio “Don’t worry, work and pray.”
It strikes me as odd that people who claim that God doesn’t exist expend so much energy rebelling against Him.

They don’t rebel against the easter bunny …
lewri said:
<<<Ironically, Bruno’s ideas make him a pantheist, who believes everything is divine, whereas the atheists believe nothing is divine.

Perhaps I have them mixed up with another group - but weren’t all those people who dressed for space flight and then killed themselves followrs of Rael? They ran a computer company or something a few years back.
I had to laugh at the last bit, how the Italians just shrugged & kept on with their Advent & Christmas activities - it’s so typical! 😛 You have to love the Italians. Seriousl, my family in Rome just hates the way the city gets overrun by all these protests & parades. The whole place just about shuts down every Sunday because it seems to be the designated day for all this stuff, and the government closes off whole areas of the city & blocks off roads so it’s impossible to get around.

The best response to atheists & the like came from an Italian, Giovanni Guareschi, who wrote the Don Camillo series of books about a priest & his Communist nemesis in a small village: the priest says to the Communist, “You’re just a few mice gnawing at one of the pillars of St. Peter’s…”
Geez talk about getting your panties up in a wad over nothing. :lol
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