Abortion and pro life

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I have been thinking, at what point is abortion considered to be pro life? If you are unable to properly raise a child and provide them with their basic needs, dealing with abuse, in poverty, an addict, risking your child having mental health issues, trauma being abused and neglected and getting to the point where they feel that suicide is their only way out. It does happen way too often where a child is put into foster care or adopted and the are abused neglected and unloved. Having the child grow up thinking they are unloved unwanted and uncared for, unloveable, at a risk of being hurt. Isn’t it selfish to have that child knowing well that that is the kind of life waiting for them. I would rather my child not be born then to be put through any torture. Isn’t it the merciful thing to do? Are you really pro life if you are willing to support having children in these circumstances? Can you really call yourself pro life knowing all of this. To shame a mother to force her to have that child when you know that 90% chance that child is not going to be well taken care of? People have said some are pro life until the child is born. I’m thinking maybe they have a point.
If a woman with a one year old child realizes she can’t provide for the child’s basic needs and has all the other problems you mention, is she justified in taking the life of her child?

If not, and if God regards an unborn child to be just as fully human as a one-year-old, then how can you justify taking the life of the unborn?
I have been thinking, at what point is abortion considered to be pro life?
That would be never.
Isn’t it the merciful thing to do?
If you have had so much trauma in your life that you believe you are better off dead, and that it is merciful to kill people, You need to get some serious counseling.

No it is not right to kill people. Every life has dignity, every life has value. And every child deserves the right to live.
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We as Christians are called, we are commanded, to help those who are in abuse, poverty, the sick, those in prison, etc.

I pray that you can find some healing and love.
People have said some are pro life until the child is born. I’m thinking maybe they have a point.
This particular criticism is helpful to the cause of creating a consistent pro-life ethic. There is always more we can be doing to help.
By the same logic we should slaughter all humans who live is situations of poverty and/or abuse…Do we make bad bedtime choices a reason or excuse to kill others?
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Killing a baby in the womb is still just killing a baby. Should we kill babies in the arms of inner city mothers because they are poor? How about killing people in a home for the mentally and physically handicapped? Let’s declare war on African countries. I mean who would want to live without air conditioning!?
Andrea Yates drowned her five children because she believed they weren’t developing properly.

My nephew is 2 and has sensory processing disorder. Would it be kinder for my brother and SIL to smother him so he won’t suffer?
but isn’t it just a clump of cells that has the potential to develop into a baby not an actual baby.
No, an unborn child is not a clump of cells. A fetus is a real baby, it’s what a human being looks like at the developmental age of six weeks, or 18 days, or nine months or whatever you choose.

If a woman is pregnant and unable to care for her child, she can make an adoption plan and even choose the parents. My two adopted children were in foster care and then we adopted them. They are certainly better off than having been killed. No one can know what the future holds for one’s child, but that is no reason to destroy him or her.
Its almost like you have never met a pregnant woman. A baby has human DNA separate from the mothers. Who’s cells are they? Not to mention as development continues the baby has a heart, eyes, it kicks, sucks its fingers, cries, etc. A little past halfway of a pregnancy a baby can be born and survive.
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Once a human zygote is formed, that is a human life.

Prior to the conception, the ovum and sperm are cells that have the potential to become a human life. Inside the female ovary is a clump of cells with potential, the male testes make clumps of cells with potential.

At conception two of those potentials become a reality. A human life. All that separates the 4 celled human from me is time and environment.
I have been thinking, at what point is abortion considered to be pro life?
where they feel that suicide is their only way out
Abortion is morally equivalent to suicide. You are suggesting that baby be killed so that it does not consider committing suicide in the future. That is not a humane choice.
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By the end of 3 weeks the baby has a beating heart. By the end of 8 weeks all major organ systems are fully formed - they just need to develop.
What if?

Do you believe that children have to pay for the sins, and crimes, of the father?

Yes, it would be difficult, but that doesn’t mean that a child should die.
When a person is raped they deserve the very best in medical, legal, emotional support. I pray that the people around the, the community, their family and friends, form such a safe support system that a woman would not feel abortion was her only option.

That they would all support and care for her during the pregnancy and then in either option, raising the child if she chooses or supporting her if she decides to do the noble, heroic act of placing that child with a loving adoptive family. While nothing will “unrape” her, being empowered to make beauty rise from the ugly act, the beauty of an innocent child can make her the overcomer.
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