I have been thinking, at what point is abortion considered to be pro life? If you are unable to properly raise a child and provide them with their basic needs, dealing with abuse, in poverty, an addict, risking your child having mental health issues, trauma being abused and neglected and getting to the point where they feel that suicide is their only way out. It does happen way too often where a child is put into foster care or adopted and the are abused neglected and unloved. Having the child grow up thinking they are unloved unwanted and uncared for, unloveable, at a risk of being hurt. Isn’t it selfish to have that child knowing well that that is the kind of life waiting for them. I would rather my child not be born then to be put through any torture. Isn’t it the merciful thing to do? Are you really pro life if you are willing to support having children in these circumstances? Can you really call yourself pro life knowing all of this. To shame a mother to force her to have that child when you know that 90% chance that child is not going to be well taken care of? People have said some are pro life until the child is born. I’m thinking maybe they have a point.