When we start blaming the problems in the church on the bias of the mainstream media we look foolish.
This anti-Catholic bias just doesn’t exist…Catholics have risen quite high in a vareity of public and private sectors for me to believe that there is a wide ranging anti-Catholic bias…at least not one that anyone takes even somewhat seriously.
We can’t continue to say things like “There are pedophile public school teachers and no one picks on them”.
It is because of the expected moral authority of the church that people are more let down when we show we probably don’t deserve that authority.
This hasn’t happened becasue we voted poorly or were ok with contraception…the current state of things happened because of an insulated culture of clerics who believed that because they had hands layed on them they were somehow not to be held to the same standard as everybody else. Many of our bishops failed to see what their actions were doing…consequently we have the problems now that we have today.
The moral authority of the church will continue to exist. But the ability of the church to say “Father said so” or “The Bishop said so” is no longer as present as it once was. We have to preach and teach the Law of Jesus as something that liberates us…not binds us.
I never said the MSM should not report on the abuse of minors by priests and the protetection of those priests by bishops, but anyone who says anti-Catholic bias doesn’t exist is just not seeing clearly.
The extreme over-reporting of the abuse by priests can be partly explained by the very nature of priests, but why do Protestant ministers and public school teachers and coaches get a pass for the same behavior and very nearly the public trust?
Yes, individual Catholics have experienced success, but the loathing the cultural elites hold for the firm moral stand of the Church on abortion, euthanasia, embryonic stem cell research, homosexual “marriage” and other faith and morals issues is obvious, blatant and deep.
And to say that “Joe does it, too,” is not the point. The point is that the inexcusable abuse in the Church, less than 5% of priests, has been made to sound much worse than it is while the same behavior at much higher rates in public schools is ignored is further evidence of the disgust some in our culture hold for the
Church. It’s even worse when the victims of this abuse are completely ignored in the process.
And the perception of abuse by priests is magnified, but the point that the John Jay study brings out, that over 80% of the victims of priests were young post-pubescent males, which points to the problem of homosexuals in the priesthood – eliminating them is another stand of the Church that the cultural elites hate, even though it addresses the very problem they’ve been gleefully reporting for years.
And as for standing by or participating in bad stuff," speak for yourself. I am a pro-life speaker and writer and, though I live in a liberal area, I do my best to support pro-life politicians.
The secular culture despizes the Catholic Church because of her strong, unchanging moral stands. Given that, the priest abuse situation was a weapon the Church shouldn’t have handed to them.
Please tell me who is trying to avoid responsibility, here? I may not agree with everything the USCCB has done, but at least they have faced the problem squarely and taken action. All I’m asking for is fair treatment, knowing full well I’m not going to get it.