As the Pope has suggested and now with one of the Decades of the Luminous Mystery dedicated to it, I was wondering if more people are spending time before the Blessed Sacrament in prayer and meditation?
One hour a week, not counting time before and after Mass.As the Pope has suggested and now with one of the Decades of the Luminous Mystery dedicated to it, I was wondering if more people are spending time before the Blessed Sacrament in prayer and meditation?
You can pray at the tabernacle and still be doing Eucharistic adoration. The host does not have to be exposed. Maybe if you start, your parish will begin adoration more frequently!My parish has adoration once a month only. I am there for one hour a month. Would like to go once a week.
Just as the priest is behind a screen during confession, so is the Host sometimes unseen, reserved in the tabernacle. :bowdown2: It’s all quality time spent with our Lord!You can pray at the tabernacle and still be doing Eucharistic adoration. The host does not have to be exposed. frequently!