In my first thread about Jesus’ crucifixion, i got no response as to what happened to the exalted prophet Jesus according to quran…Joseph if not mistaken said that no one was killed that day, which i find absurd given the huge historical manuscripts about Jesus’ crucifixion…our new brother Muslim said another guy died which is even more absurd for a thousand reason…according to my experience, some muslims think Joseph’s idea is absurd, others think that Muslim’s idea is absurd…in fact, both are equally absurd…obviously, the quran, after 23 years of revelations in clear arabic so that all can understand, was not clear enough about what “it appreared to them” means…a closer look at history reveals what mohammad meant…let’s read:
PS: i had to translate this…sorry for my english especially regarding names cuz i dont know them in english.
Here we are:
the Messiah, according to the nazaritics of arabia , (that mohammad called “Nasara”, is immortal, just as we see in John 12:34; therefore, the nazaritics’ doctrine was that Jesus-the messiah departed Jesus on the cross…in other words, it was Jesus who died but NOT as a messiah since the messiah doesnt die. One of these nazaritics, Basilis said : since the Messiah transforms willingly from image to another image, he put his resemblance on Semaan instead of him while being lifted alive to the one who sent him, mocking all those who plotted agaisnt him, because he was unseen to all".
It is as if we read this same doctrine in the quran:
That they said (in boast), "We killed Christ Jesus the son of Mary, the Messenger of Allah.;- but they killed him not, nor crucified him, but so it was made to appear to them, and those who differ therein are full of doubts, with no (certain) knowledge, but only conjecture to follow, for of a surety they killed him not:-
- Nay, Allah raised him up unto Himself; and Allah is Exalted in Power, Wise;-
The nazaritic doctrine has 2 versions of the story :
1- that Jesus gave his likeness to someone
2- Jesus the messiah, the Word of God,left Jesus before his death and Jesus the man died, not the Messiah in him.
So the “appeared to them” doctrine is a nazaritic heritage and thats what mohammad meant : it appeared to them that they killed The Messiah but they did not but allah took him to himself.
Conclusion, the crucifixion version of the quran is nothing but a heretical nazaritic doctrine that pre-dated mohammad and surely not from God but man-made.