AN ANONYMOUS woman has raised a difficult moral question by ultimately holding her unborn baby ransom unless she receives $US1 million in donations.
The woman, believed to be from the US, has set up a website which is ostensibly an offer to “pro-lifers” to prevent an abortion. If she reaches her million dollar target, she said she will go through with the pregnancy and put the child up for adoption.
mobile.news.com.au/lifestyle/parenting/an-anonymous-woman-has-sparked-debate-by-asking-pro-life-advocates-to-donate-13-million-to-halt-her-abortion-procedure/story-fnet08ck-1227424109505“I am a twenty-six-year-old female and I am currently 7 weeks pregnant. I have every intention of having an abortion, but I’m giving you a chance to stop it,” her online appeal reads.