Hi! Being military, we have had to move (and we were not supposed to be active, so this wasn’t really a choice we made, if you know what I mean)…we are from SC and first went to LA, then back to SC, then to Germany, and now in NC. I can say that although it is never a breeze, it is exciting, even for me, an only child from a small Italian family who work and live near each other.
I would say to pray about this and if this is the best thing for you and your family, go for it! Just think of the fun - a new home, new places to shop and eat at, and many new friends to make. At this point, I get bored being anywhere more than 2 years, lol!
We had our first child. and then our second, in Germany (these are the only grands), and I cannot say it was easy, but we opted to go it alone. DH and I have grown together in faith, love, and friendship since beginning our moving around…it really is a growing experience and a bonding experience to go through this time with the person/people you love!
Let me also add that growing up we moved from Amish country, PA to Charleston, SC - CULTURE SHOCK!! We moved about 4 times growing up for my Dad’s non-military career, and I can honestly say that as a child (age 7 through 13 is the period of our moves), it may not have been easy those first days of school, but I came to be a more independent, less peer-pressure driven kid, and much closer with my parents.
Good luck with your decision!