Anyone read this book? Why I am a Catholic?

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I read a good portion of it, and I gotta be honest I have no idea why this guy considers himself a Catholic. Essentially he wants to remove every tradition the Catholic Church has, and do a 180 on most of the Churches stances on faith and morals, and turn it into the most liberal Church in existence today.

Has anyone else read this book? Or parts of it? The title should really read ‘Why I Despise the Catholic Church’. It’s almost funny that the guy still considers himself to be Catholic, I mean he’s light years away, I found the book offensive. I mean the guy even uses arguments to claim Peter wasn’t the first Pope, a lot of this stuff is right out of anti-101.

Well I just want to get the word out if it hasn’t been already, don’t waste your money. I thought I would get an uplifting message message to strengthen my faith, instead I got an obvious leftist outraged over the Churches inability to compromise on such trivial little issues such as abortion and divorce. But GOOD NEWS! he holds out hope that his reforms are coming. :rolleyes:
You might want to post an Amazon review… Sounds like most of the other reviewers are pretty happy with his liberal take.
You might want to post an Amazon review… Sounds like most of the other reviewers are pretty happy with his liberal take.
The reviews are a either a 5 star, or a 1 star (least you can give). There’s 43 reviews and a good amount are negative, that’s why the book has a total 3 rating, right in the middle.
Where orthodox Catholicism is concerned, Garry Wills ranks right up there with such mythic “faithful” as Hans Kung, Edward Schillbeeckx, John Cornwell, and Frances Kissling.

In other words, the title would be best revised to say “Why I pretend I am a Catholic.” It is garbage.
That book is nothinb but propaganda against the CC. I can only stand several pages and perused through the rest. To call the encyclicals “an exercise in triviality” is about all I could take.

I think more than the title, it’s a self reflection of his own state.

in XT.
That book is nothinb but propaganda against the CC. I can only stand several pages and perused through the rest. To call the encyclicals “an exercise in triviality” is about all I could take.

I think more than the title, it’s a self reflection of his own state.

in XT.
I agree. That’s why I checked it out of the church library and never returned it.
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