Again, I lived it. My generation, and especially my parents generation had a lot that was kept from them. This includes the Church’s teachings on many things, including sexuality. Do you know how many friends and classmates (I went to a parish school) I’ve seen hurt because some leaders in the Church, as well as our teachers, were not bold enough to teach these truths? Do you know how many broken marriages and relationships I’ve witnessed? The heartbreak? I’ll give just one example.
In 7th grade, at my archdiocesan parish school, several of my friends talked about sex often. Yes, that’s what boys that age do. One friend said that his dad gave him condoms already. just in case. He was non-Catholic, but several of my Catholic friends thought this was great. I was scared to speak up and said nothing. Later, I found some courage and I walked up to one of my best friends, a Catholic in the hallway during a passing period and mentioned to him that as Christians we’re not supposed to use condoms. That’s all my 7th grade brain could get out because while I knew that contraception was wrong, I didn’t know
why it was wrong as it wasn’t explained to me. He laughed and said I didn’t know what I was talking about. 12 or so years later he got a girl pregnant. He thought he was “safe” with condoms. They quickly got married, and then after some infidelity, quickly got divorced. Now that child is without two parents under the same roof.
The point I want to illustrate is that never once did my pastor (a faithful priest, nonetheless) or any of my teachers bring up the Church’s teaching on sexuality. as an 8th grader, I wanted to approach my pastor and ask about this, as I knew many of my friends were fine with contraception and with being sexually active before marriage, but I chickened out. Who knows if any of my classmates would have listened if we were given a treatment of the Church’s beautiful teaching on marriage and sexuality, but the point is that
nobody even tried. This is what we’re tired of. this is what many young priests today are tired of, again, because they lived it, and they’ve seen first hand how not calling young Catholics to holiness has had a deleterious effect on the world at large.
So I agree with Anne: they might have reached them “by preaching on the beauty and freedom of chastity, the help that is available to them to grow in holiness, and the inner and eternal benefits of doing so.”
But to that, you callously shrug that off with this:
Been there done that. Doesn’t work. But like I said, some people now think that the Church has the ability to be able to teach these things to children and teenagers…
Again, for whatever reason, you exude a lot of bitterness here, and I wish I could understand why. Young Catholics aren’t naive. If we were, the Archbishop would’ve called out this father. But he didn’t. If you don’t think the Church has the ability to teach “these things” to the youth, then you appear to suffer from a lack of hope. The Church certainly has the ability to do so, but do our leaders, both ordained and lay, have the
courage to do so? That is the question.