Baby taken in Kansas

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I listened to KNPR (public radio) this AM. They said this (approx):

“The baby who was kidnapped after her mother was murdered was reunited with her father and is doing well. The mother was strangled and her fetus was taken from her womb.”

So now that she back with her dad, she’s a baby, but while she was inside her mom, she was a fetus. I wonder if they hear themselves sometimes. I immediately and bitterly thought,“Well, I guess real estate agents are right, it is location, location, location.” May that poor woman’s soul rest in everlasting peace, may the Light of Christ shine upon her. May Jesus come again soon and end our horrors.
I had the same line of thought as you in regards to the words fetus vs. baby. Thank God that the little girl is safe with her dad. I pray her mother’s soul is at peace with our Lord.

It seems that babies aren’t regarded as fully human by the leftist media until they are BORN, and then only if the mother chooses to “allow” the birth.

I get so sad about the state of things.
You know, I didn’t have that reaction to the term “fetus.”

A fetus is commonly understood to be an unborn baby. When you see the headline: “Woman Kills Mother and Steals Fetus” you’re going to be a lot more startled than if you read “Woman Kills Mother and Steals Baby” (although that would certainly be shocking, too.)

What’s so bizarre about this kidnapping is that somebody actually went to the trouble to cut a woman open to get a baby. It’s extra-grizzly and it sells newspapers.

I sure am glad the little baby’s OK!
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