Becoming a permanent Catholic Deacon questions regarding work

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Few questions about becoming a permanent deacon in the church. I read about the marriage thing and understand that so we can skip that discussion here. But what about work?

Couple questions about work; Is it ok to continue to work while studying to become a deacon? Part b of the question would be is it “practical” to continue to work full time while pursuing this?

And then what about when one becomes a deacon? Is it acceptable to continue to work while being a deacon? And part b; is it practical or reasonable to continue to work outside of being a deacon???

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Everything that I’ve read indicated deacons are welcomed to continue working. I pulled this from the Archdiocese of Omaha’s Diaconate handbook; “The secular employment of a deacon is also linked with his ministry. Although his secular work may benefit the community, some professions can become incompatible with the pastoral responsibilities of his ministry. The archbishop shall evaluate individual cases as they arise and may require a change of profession. Deacons must give priority to the spiritual life and live their diakonia with generosity.”

My priest mentioned the diaconate to me this week and it spurred my interest, but as a young man, and a new dad I think it will be something I look into harder when my kids get older.

Best of luck with your discernment.
Unless you are retired or have another source of income you will need to continue work. Deacons are not paid a salary by the Church for being a Deacon.
Unless they are employed by a parish or diocese in some other capacity.
Regarding working while studying to become a permanent deacon or working as one is really up to how your diocese do the preparations and weather the deacons are involved in some kind of ministry outside of mass (liturgy of some sort).

If studies are full time then the possibility to work extra somewhere is possible. Full time studies and full time work and then family life will be too much.

If the permanent deacons in the diocese are expected to be involved in parish life or work within the diocese organisations then they would be paid by the parish/diocese. You will have to ask a representative in your diocese what the permanent deacons mostly do.

A permanent deacon friend of mine was told by his parish that they didn’t want a “Sunday only deacon” but someone who was available during the rest of the week for baptisms, weddings, visit sick and elderly, teach RCIA etc etc etc.

A man preparing to be a permanent deacon can’t be ordained until he is around 35 years, if I remember correctly.
The deacons I know are very much involved “in parish life” and several work at the diocesan level, such as at the marriage tribunal, and they receive no remuneration whatsoever. The only deacons around here who receive a salary at the parish level are DRE’s, and at the diocesan level, who head specific departments, like family life ministry. Very few deacons even receive a stipend from their parishes for things like gas.
My dad is a deacon of the Archdiocese of Omaha. It’s a great community of deacons (and their wives, if married) and I know several of them. My dad discerned early in his marriage about becoming a deacon, and then decided it wasn’t the right time. He later began formation when I was a sophomore or junior in high school (I am the oldest of my siblings…my youngest brother was 5).

OP, most of the time, it’s fine to continue working. My dad still works full time. Formation depends on the diocese. When my dad started, it was weekly evening classes in a town an hour away (joys of rural life). My mom was required to attend as well. They did that for three years and then they changed it in his last year to a monthly three day weekend. But I’m sure it varies between dioceses. You would need to check with the diocese to see if working during formation would be feasible with the type of job you have.

It is a vocation, so in any case, it’s important to discern it just as you would any vocation.
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