Benefits of praying the Rosary

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As a convert to the Church it took me a long time to get to the point where I enjoyed praying the Rosary. For the longest time it was very boring to me. Now I turn to the Rosary almost every day as a source of support and peace.

As I launch on a crusade of daily prayers and Rosries in the hopes of my family being converted out of atheism and into the Church, I’m curious: Has anyone recieved any benefits, spiritual or “prayers answered”, through the praying of the Rosary? Do you have any Rosary-oriented testamonies to share? Has praying the Rosary changed anyone’s life?

God bless!!!
The Fifteen Promises from Mary to Christians Who Recite the Rosary:

(Given to St. Dominic and Blessed Alan)
  1. Whoever shall faithfully serve me by the recitation of the rosary, shall receive signal graces.
  2. I promise my special protection and the greatest graces to all those who shall recite the rosary.
  3. The rosary shall be a powerful armour against hell, it will destroy vice, decrease sin, and defeat heresies.
  4. It will cause virtue and good works to flourish; it will obtain for souls the abundant mercy of God; it will withdraw the hearts of men from the love of the world and its vanities, and will left them to the desire of eternal things. Oh, that souls would sanctify themselves by this means.
  5. The soul which recommends itself to me by the recitation of the rosary, shall not perish.
  6. Whoever shall recite the rosary devoutly, applying himself to the consideration of its sacred mysteries shall never be conquered by misfortune. God will not chastise him in His justice, he shall not perish by an unprovided death; if he be just he shall remain in the grace of God, and become worthy of eternal life.
  7. Whoever shall have a true devotion for the rosary shall not die without the sacraments of the Church.
  8. Those who are faithful to recite the rosary shall have during their life and at their death the light of God and the plentitude of His graces; at the moment of death they shall participate in the merits of the saints in paradise.
  9. I shall deliver from purgatory those who have been devoted to the rosary.
  10. The faithful children of the rosary shall merit a high degree of glory in heaven.
  11. You shall obtain all you ask of me by the recitation of the rosary.
  12. All those who propagate the holy rosary shall be aided by me in their necessitites.
  13. I have obtained from my Divine Son that all advocates of the rosary shall have for intercessors the entire celestial court during their life and at the hour of death.
  14. All who recite the rosary are my sons, and brothers of my only son Jesus Christ.
  15. Devotion of my rosary is a great sign of predestination.
I have often turned to the rosary for petitions and never been let down. The Blessed Mother truly intercedes for her children, particularly those who show her special devotion. Among the miracles I have received by praying the rosary include:

A friend cured of a rare & deadly form of cancer (this petition was also obtained with the help of Sts. Terese, Faustina, & Peregrine)

Two friends of mine finding their future husbands after several bad relationships

And the deepening of the spiritual lives of countless people I have asked our Mother to intercede for.

Take my word for it, the rosary works. Actually, another miracle I experienced was one of my rosaries turning gold in my hands. (This wasn’t because I said it well or am special, of course. I believe it was because I was chosen to give a talk on the rosary at my Church, and the Blessed Mother wanted to illustrate to everyone the power of meditating of Jesus’ life through this prayer).

Please continue to pray the rosary, and if you don’t mind, please add me to your petitions (I’m discerning between religious & married life right now and could really use your prayers!).
Last month I was praying my daily rosary in my bedroom and was about to begin the 3rd Joyful Mystery when I heard two loud screeches and a sickening crash. Two cars had collided head-on on the street right near my house. I ran downstairs where my grandmother called the police. The cars were twisted masses of metal and one man was on the ground, torn and bloody. When the ambulance arrived, they told us we could go back inside and I knew I had to finish the last three decades of my rosary. I prayed fervently for all the passengers in those cars and I only found out later that every single person (6 in all) had survived the accident with minor injuries. Everyone taken from the wreck was conscious and lived with no permanent problems! Judging by the magnitude of the crash, the fact that they were all in excellent condition told me that something must have intervened. I thank Our Lady for their safety, for I am convinced it was she who helped them.

When I was 9 my dad who was in the military was shipped overseas. I was devastated and so when I was at school I would get sick (stomach ache, headache). My grandmother would come and get me and take me home, this happened about 4 straight days. What I was doing is missing my dad tremendously. One day my grandmother tells me lets say a rosary, our intentions were that I get better. So we both got on our knees and said it. I fell asleep immediately after its completion and when I woke up felt fine and never had those feelings again at school. This may not rank up their with curing cancers but Our Lady hears us, especially we we are in anguish.

P.S. My grandmother, God rest her soul, had a great devotion to Mary.
“Please continue to pray the rosary, and if you don’t mind, please add me to your petitions (I’m discerning between religious & married life right now and could really use your prayers!).”
Me too hahaha! Welcome to the club.

I read The Fifteen Promises from Mary to Christians Who Recite the Rosary. Are they approved by the Church? They sure seem heavy-duty with the promises of graces (Mary can give graces?), delivery from purgatory, and extra glory in heaven. This promise seems heaviest of all: “You shall obtain all you ask of me by the recitation of the rosary.” Wow! That’s heady.

I’m sorry, but I’m very skeptical. Can you help me understand the origen and orthodoxy of these Promises?

When did that rosary turn into gold??? Was it in front of everyone while you were giving your talk at the church?

These miracles are great to hear about! 🙂
We have a nephew who while growing up always aspired to studying at West Point. The family is very Catholic, as is ours, but did not have much money. The nephew studied hard and earned a full scholarship. His father objected, perhaps more out of concern of having his son go so far away than anything else, but despite the objections the nephew accepted the scholarship.

He planned a trip to Mexico right after his high school graduation to take a break before heading East. On his drive home from dropping off a friend after the graduation, to start packing for the trip, he suffered a brain aneurysm and rolled his compact car several times.

By the grace of God it so happened two other cars were on the road at the time, one of the drivers happened to be an MP and stopped to come to his aid. He held his hand and tried to keep him conscious until help could arrive.

Long story short - he was in a coma for days, close to death, required intensive surgery, prospects of being paralized for life - the family and extended family prayed the rosary fervently.

He came through ok. Within months he was back to running long distances and he enrolled in a local university where he is preparing to become a physician.
This promise seems heaviest of all: “You shall obtain all you ask of me by the recitation of the rosary.” Wow! That’s heady.
I have to research the rest of the questions but this one that is mentioned happened to be true to me. My prayers were answered however in God’s time. So my prayers were answered within 4 months after asking for it.
Four relatives become practicing Catholics:

Two were drift away confirmed cradle Catholics that have returned.

Two were never baptized and no religious experience teenagers who completed RCIA and were Baptized,and Confirmed this spring.

Two years ago, I had a strong urge to pray for one of my uncles, who lived 2000 miles away. I prayed a special rosary (on my lunch hour) for him for all the graces his soul may need and found out later that evening that he suffered a stroke at about the same time I was praying the rosary for him. He died later that evening.

I can go on and on with many more examples.
This might be a little different than what you meant:

I get so relaxed praying the Rosary, that I often fall asleep right in the middle of it! And I am not usually the type who can fall asleep easily.
MichelleTherese said:
“Please continue to pray the rosary, and if you don’t mind, please add me to your petitions (I’m discerning between religious & married life right now and could really use your prayers!).”
Me too hahaha! Welcome to the club.

I read The Fifteen Promises from Mary to Christians Who Recite the Rosary. Are they approved by the Church? They sure seem heavy-duty with the promises of graces (Mary can give graces?), delivery from purgatory, and extra glory in heaven. This promise seems heaviest of all: “You shall obtain all you ask of me by the recitation of the rosary.” Wow! That’s heady.

I’m sorry, but I’m very skeptical. Can you help me understand the origen and orthodoxy of these Promises?

When did that rosary turn into gold??? Was it in front of everyone while you were giving your talk at the church?

These miracles are great to hear about! 🙂

Yes…they’re okay…you can acquire a bookmark with them listed…at:

They were given to St. Dominic and Blessed Alan de la Roche.

I also recommend the book, “The Secret of the Rosary” by St. Louis De Montfort:

Absolutely, Mary can deliver all of the promises…

Mary, Mediatrix of All Graces

Mary, Full of Grace

Mary, Mother of God

Mary has also made similar promises to those who devoutly wear the Brown Scapular. She promised those who faithfully wore the Scapular…and lived by the conditions…"shall not suffer eternal fire. This was the Blessed Mother’s promise…made on July 16, 1251 to St. Simon Stock Mary also promised to deliver the individual from Purgatory soon after death…this is known as the Sabbatine privilege . The Sabbatine privilege is Mary’s promise to release from Purgatory soon after death all those who 1. Wear the Brown Scapular… 2. Observe chastity according to their state of life and…3. Say the Little Office of the Blessed Virgin Mary every day.

You can purchase one at the following…
In answer to your question, it did not turn gold during the talk. It actually turned gold when I was praying it during a passing period at school. During this time, I was having extroardinary meditations while saying my rosary, and when I was at Church, I showed a few friends how it had turned gold. Then I was asked to speak. Funny thing is, up until that point in my life, I had been painfully shy and could never have spoken in public. However, I was so eager to share what God had done for me and for all of us in giving us this special prayer, that I was no longer shy. I guess that’s another gift I received through the intercession of our Mother- a gift of public speaking (I now give talks at youth groups regularly). Praise Jesus for how good He is to us!!!
As a convert to the Church it took me a long time to get to the point where I enjoyed praying the Rosary. For the longest time it was very boring to me. Now I turn to the Rosary almost every day as a source of support and peace.

As I launch on a crusade of daily prayers and Rosries in the hopes of my family being converted out of atheism and into the Church, I’m curious: Has anyone recieved any benefits, spiritual or “prayers answered”, through the praying of the Rosary? Do you have any Rosary-oriented testamonies to share? Has praying the Rosary changed anyone’s life?

God bless!!!
Saint Monica prayed for her son I believe for 40 years:eek: , and his name was Saint Augustine, hope you don’t have to go that long, in the process of praying for him she became a saint herself.
I know what you mean about the Rosary, I’m catholic and I was never fond of it, but now I like it very much.
My children were taking drugs and out of control and going missing for days, and I prayed and prayed for them and they have completly changed.
I suppose I started to see the Rosary in a new light, since it is a spirital war we mostly fight, then we need a spirital weapon, (THE ROSARY)🙂
As a convert to the Church it took me a long time to get to the point where I enjoyed praying the Rosary. For the longest time it was very boring to me. Now I turn to the Rosary almost every day as a source of support and peace.

As I launch on a crusade of daily prayers and Rosries in the hopes of my family being converted out of atheism and into the Church, I’m curious: Has anyone recieved any benefits, spiritual or “prayers answered”, through the praying of the Rosary? Do you have any Rosary-oriented testamonies to share? Has praying the Rosary changed anyone’s life?

God bless!!!
As anyone heard of the Jesuit Priests that were near to the Hiroshima bomb, and were not harmed, when they should have been vaporized ???.
They traveled the world to tell their story.

The power of the Rosary is awesome !!!
It does to me, praying the Rosary always gives me such profound peace and recollection of myself.

I love it, too, because it was what finally brought me back to full communion with Holy Mother Church, after years of being a “lapsed” Catholic, shall we say…
I pray the Rosary daily and it is THE reason I am back at church and taking my religion seriously. The Blessed Mother has has taken me literaly by the hand and led me to Jesus. I would say thats a miracle.
I don’t know if that site that speaks about the Priests near Hiroshima is a reliable source. It claims that Mary is “Catholicism’s chief deity.”

Do you have an Orthodox Catholic web site that speaks about this same miracle?
I also used to think the Rosary was boring. That was before I realized I was praying it the wrong way. I would be very conscious of the prayers as I was saying them over and over.

But the purpose of the repetition is to serve as a mantra to clear your mind of extraneous thoughts, or in a way, to think of two things at once: love of Mary and love of Jesus by contemplating the mystery of the Rosary. It’s OK to let your mind wander a little – although I try to keep my train of thought on the mystery at hand.

I think it’s very important to spend a little time reflecting on the mystery and immersing your imagination into the scene before beginning the prayers.

I feel I have greater insight by asking questions such as “What must’ve been going through Mary’s mind when such and such happened?” “How did Jesus feel about what was going on?” “What questions would the other players in the mystery have on their minds as it was being lived out?”

Now, every time I pray the Rosary, I usually get something new out of it. I usually do it while taking a long walk. I have never felt love for Jesus and Mary so strongly and emotionally as I have during some of the best meditations. I don’t have those feelings every time though, but I thank our Lord for the extra treat when I do.

What bothers me slightly though is sometimes when I pray the Rosary with others. It’s what I call the Racing Rosary or the Auctioneer’s Rosary, with a brief one sentence meditation announced before the starters pistol fires. I think some people pray it just to get that checkmark on their scorecard, and the faster they can get it over with, the better.

Perhaps I am being overly judgemental though.:tsktsk: People have different ways of praying and if it brings them closer to Jesus and Mary, it’s a good thing no matter how it’s done.
Let’s just say I was sinning a lot. And mortal too, not just the venial kind. One night I began to pray the Rosary and I started shivering as I continued. Preety soon I felt sick to my stomach and that convinced me that Mary was trying to fight all of the evil out of me. I guess it worked because with her help I had the courage to go to Confession and be truly sorry for what I did. Since that night I haven’t continued to sin at such a level that I was before.

It’s a powerful tool. Don’t underestimate it. Carry one with you always!! 🙂
I also used to think the Rosary was boring. That was before I realized I was praying it the wrong way. I would be very conscious of the prayers as I was saying them over and over.

But the purpose of the repetition is to serve as a mantra to clear your mind of extraneous thoughts, or in a way, to think of two things at once: love of Mary and love of Jesus by contemplating the mystery of the Rosary. It’s OK to let your mind wander a little – although I try to keep my train of thought on the mystery at hand.

I think it’s very important to spend a little time reflecting on the mystery and immersing your imagination into the scene before beginning the prayers.

I feel I have greater insight by asking questions such as “What must’ve been going through Mary’s mind when such and such happened?” “How did Jesus feel about what was going on?” “What questions would the other players in the mystery have on their minds as it was being lived out?”

Now, every time I pray the Rosary, I usually get something new out of it. I usually do it while taking a long walk. I have never felt love for Jesus and Mary so strongly and emotionally as I have during some of the best meditations. I don’t have those feelings every time though, but I thank our Lord for the extra treat when I do.

What bothers me slightly though is sometimes when I pray the Rosary with others. It’s what I call the Racing Rosary or the Auctioneer’s Rosary, with a brief one sentence meditation announced before the starters pistol fires. I think some people pray it just to get that checkmark on their scorecard, and the faster they can get it over with, the better.

Perhaps I am being overly judgemental though.:tsktsk: People have different ways of praying and if it brings them closer to Jesus and Mary, it’s a good thing no matter how it’s done.
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