Bill Moyers Attacks Hannity, Conservative Media

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I think it was George Costanza who said it best:

“Yadda, yadda, yadda.”
No. He can’t be right. The truth sets us free. Case in point - Dan Rather will be gone - we will be free of him.
No. He can’t be right. The truth sets us free. Case in point - Dan Rather will be gone - we will be free of him.
You need the read the resume - and no he’s never on the right.
What I liked about his final episode of “Now” was Moyers’ quote from former Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan, about everyone having opinions, but there is only one set of facts. Moyers’ belief is that conservative political media gloss over facts in order to push their agenda, but I’ve always thought that ALL politician media did that, not just conservative ones. “Just the facts, ma’am.” Not very convincing nowadays.
What I liked about his final episode of “Now” was Moyers’ quote from former Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan, about everyone having opinions, but there is only one set of facts. Moyers’ belief is that conservative political media gloss over facts in order to push their agenda, but I’ve always thought that ALL politician media did that, not just conservative ones. “Just the facts, ma’am.” Not very convincing nowadays.
Obviously Moyers is no historian; otherwise he would realize that the problem every historian has is weighting the facts (assuming that all the facts are even available to them). The question realy gets down to: what “facts” are relevant to the issue at hand? It is not necessarily that either side lies, or intentionally ignores facts; too often it is an issue of the amount of relevance that is given to the massive amount of information that must be sifted through.

Perhaps, if you have sat through a trail as a member of the jury, the analogy would suffice: the plaintiff’s attorney (or the D.A.) thinks one set of facts is relevant; the defense thinks another set is relevant; the judge looks at it all differently, and after both sides have rested, the jury gets to sift it all and decide what, out of all the evidence, is the point (or points) upon which they may make their decision.
It is not necessarily that either side lies, or intentionally ignores facts; too often it is an issue of the amount of relevance that is given to the massive amount of information that must be sifted through.
Amen! every news caster, writer and every newspaper has an agenda. One MUST sort through the slants and read between the lines. Just because I like and tend to agree with a writer does not mean that the item hasn’t been slanted. And vice versa.
Moyers is the perfect limousine liberal moral relativist. That Now show is nothing but propaganda by and for leftists.
I did not get to watch the entire show about the recent campaign, just large parts of it. I did see the part where he called the Swiftboat Veterans liars, and others on the Right. The last part of the show was a lurid description of the power of Talk Radio, Fox News, etc., dripping with innuendo. He described listening to the radio recently during the campaign, and his description sounded like someone who had found himself in some totally evil world, full of liars. I think that last part especially is instructive as it shows how the liberal media really must feel these days, like the are in a type of hell.
Amen! every news caster, writer and every newspaper has an agenda. One MUST sort through the slants and read between the lines. Just because I like and tend to agree with a writer does not mean that the item hasn’t been slanted. And vice versa.
You are right. The problem with the liberal news media is they are slanted in the wrong direction.
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