Actually my question may sound silly but it’s something that I used to think about often when I was younger. Is there any place in scripture where Jesus actually laughed or showed humor?
What’s interesting about that passage is that if you look in the Hebrew, the word for “[he] laughed” in v. 17 and the word for “Isaac” are identical–“Yitshaq.” We have seen that name in the modern era, belonging to a former Israeli Prime Minister–Yitshaq Rabin.knoller,
I remembered another one. Genesis 17, 15 thru 17, where Abraham laughed when God told him that he and Sarah would have children, even at their advanced ages.
They: “Are you the only one who does not know the things that have been going on these days!?”
…always make me smileHe: “What things?”
“Zacchaeus! Come out of that tree, I’m having dinner at your house!”
Sometimes, you have to look to other languages: In Luke 7 a pharisee invites Jesus to dinner. In English. In the Vulgate (Latin), it reads more like the pharisee asks if he can go to dinner with Jesus, at which point Our Lord enters the pharisee’s house and takes a seat.“Psst, hey buddy. Me and twelve of my friends have need to celebrate the Passover at your house”
Paul, on the other hand, was well-known for his biting sarcasm. I’m going to put up some especially notable quotes from II Corinthians 11,
St. Paul could be downright nasty. I can’t find the passage right now, but there’s one place where, in arguing against requiring circumcision for new converts, he says that those who were so keen on circumcision should go all the way and castrate themselves. That’s as biting as it gets.
jco2004 said:[St. Paul could be downright nasty. I can’t find the passage right now, but there’s one place where, in arguing against requiring circumcision for new converts, he says that those who were so keen on circumcision should go all the way and castrate themselves. That’s as biting as it gets.