Call It 'Peace With Honor' and Bring Our Troops Home

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In the 1960s an uneasy America was told not to listen to the rising voices against the war. If we just stay the course, we were promised, America will win the hearts and minds of the native people and they will be liberated. If we leave before the job is done, we were warned, the whole region will come under the rule of a menacing force driven by a frightful, non-Western ideology.

**In 1975, Marine helicopters plucked the last Americans from the rooftop of the U.S. Embassy amid the furious cries of the angry masses. Staying the course gained nothing as the Vietnamese people never trusted the U.S. government. Fifty-eight thousand American soldiers sacrificed their young lives. **

Twenty months into the Iraq war, it is hard to visualize what could happen for the Iraqi people to welcome and trust the Americans. We were told that installing an Iraqi as interim prime minister until the election would show the Iraqis that they’re in charge and, as a result, violence directed toward Americans would decline.

**In fact, since Ayad Allawi assumed office, each month but one has seen more U.S. soldiers die than the month before. More died in November than in any other month. **

Putting a cute name on running away and abandoning the innocent to the hands of goons and terrorists is dishonorable and unchristian. No matter what the reasons for going in were. We are there now and our Christian duty is to protect the innocent. Running away will only cause much more death of the innocent. We should help the Iraqis get on their own feet, and leave when they think they can keep their own country in peace.
Peacemonger said:
****In fact, since Ayad Allawi assumed office, each month but one has seen more U.S. soldiers die than the month before. More died in November than in any other month. ****

In case you haven’t gotten the idea yet, we have been warned and logically could expect that the closer we get to the elections the more violent they are going to get. The very idea of an “election” scares the innards out of them.
Call it surrender and then wait for the terrorists to hit us again at home.
later of the elections, with new government the U.S Soldiers go down and withdraw, and this is good, greetings

Could you have the courtesy of keeping your running rhetoric in one thread. Some of us get a bit tired of your constantly starting a new thread on the same subject. Your bad manners are showing again. At least respect the board and stop starting new post’s on the same subject, over and over and over again.

There are other things to discuss, besides your one man mission in life. Whatever that is…:rolleyes:

We can appreciate that you have wayyyy too much time on your hands. But give it a rest.
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