Does the church need no change? The bishop of Linz, Manfred Scheuer, has recently pleaded for the ordination of married men. Do you share his view?
Organizational issues are important, and I believe there is room for improvement, also necessary potential for change.
What does that mean more specifically?
One of the key issues is the role of women in the church. The religious communities as a whole have a need for development.
What do you want exactly?
For example, a higher proportion of women in senior positions. Although it is not worse off in the Archdiocese of Vienna than in other large organizations. The consecration question is a question that can only be clarified by a council. A pope can not decide that alone. This is too big a question to be cleared from a pope’s desk.
You mean the consecration of women to priestesses?
To deacons, priests, bishops.
At least Pope Francis did not exclude deaconesses. You mean that he could not decide an introduction alone?
I do not think it’s good either. The church is a community, big decisions should be made together.