A Catholic culture exists. It is so vast that only a summary can be given here,
It includes an orientation of ones life to:
the seven sacraments - eucharist, reconciliation, baptism etc
the seasons of the church - lent, Easter, Christmas, All Hallows Day, etc.
the recognition, contemplation and emulation of the lives of the different saints,
a respect, commitment and devotion to the Holy scripture especially with regards to the incarnated Jesus.
a commitment to a Catholic prayer life of devotion, reflection and continual self improvement following the many Catholic traditions of history.
a commitment to join in the life of the church with others to live this life and support the mission of the church through such activities as Catholic education, healthcare, charity, evangelisation, prayer groups, St. Vincent de Paul or any number of Catholic societies.
a support and respect for the structural arrangement of the church such as clergy, religious communities, the papacy etc.
a respect and commitment to Catholic dogma and tradition and joining in communion with others in living this life through varied expressions as Holy hour, liturgies of the hours, stations of the cross, prayer groups, scripture groups etc.
A commitment to rear one’s family in this culture and invite others to participate.
It is through this Catholic culture that we join with others and ‘ignite’ the Holy Spirit to fulfil the gospel direction of creating the Kingdom of Heaven and inviting others to be part of this.
Much of this culture is robust enough to have local varieties of things like different saints, music, histories, societies, religious communities etc. but the core culture is the same and it is Catholic.
It is not being ‘afraid’ or showing a ‘lack of fortitude’ in supporting and living the Catholic culture. It is very much the opposite. It is being strong in the Catholic culture and looking out to the world from this position of strength with confidence and a willingness to share this with others.