Catholic Employed by Protestant Organization

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I’m parish secretary in a protestant “church”. I type their bulletins, help prepare educational materials, advertisements, prepare diocesan parochial reports, etc. I do not attend their services – ever, but do attend the weekly staff Bible study, where my favorite lines are . . . “We Catholics see this issue differently. . .” "That’s a popular misconception about Catholic views, let me explain. . . " Or, the Catholic church would agree here, but takes that thought one step further . . . " The pastor is quite supportive of my outspokeness; some of the staff wish I’d keep my mouth shut or revert to my protestant roots – however, one former staffer is now in RCIA!!! Having seen the thread about the advisability of advertising in other faith communities’ publications, I’m beginning to wonder if taking my weekly paycheck from them and working for them could be at odds with my being Catholic?
If you are performing the duties of the job you were hired for, if you are not prosyletizing contrary to their desires and especially since the pastor has no problem with you, you’re doing fine.
**Khoria Anna, you have an opportunity to do much good in that position. **

I work for a godless corporation that won’t allow me to evangelize at work - wow, what I would give for the ability to preach Catholic doctrine at a weekly Bible study with my co-workers!

May the Holy Spirit continue to guide your words and your works.
It would appear that you are not being underhanded or coercive in any way in your dealings with your co-workers or those who attend the church where you are employed. You are simply using the conversations in which you enter to proclaim, in charity it would seem, the truth that you have come to know in the Catholic Church.

Therefore, I would say that your conscience should be clean.

In fact, I would say that what you are doing verges on the heroic, at least in relative terms. I know that I would find it difficult to be in the position that you are in.
Khoria Anna:
I’m parish secretary in a protestant “church”. I type their bulletins, help prepare educational materials, advertisements, prepare diocesan parochial reports, etc. I do not attend their services –
My wife is a secretary at a non-catholic church. Many of the members of the church are fallen away catholics. They do not require her to attend services or to contribute finacially — so I do not see a problem with being employed at a non-catholic church.
Keep up the good Work.
What a coincidence. I was just wondering about this myself, since I have the possible opportunity of leading a Praise Choir at my husband’s (Methodist) church.

I’m looking for a part-time job and this would be about perfect, timewise. I decided this morning I would need to talk to my pastor about this.
Khoria Anna

I don’t see a problem with your employment. But how would you feel about this dilemma? I was working for a drug company that got sold by upper management to the Johnson & Johnson Corporation. J&J is one of the largest manufacturers (if not the largest manufacturer) of oral contraceptives in the world – they are a near occasion of sin, so to speak.

Could I, a Catholic, in good conscience continue to work for the company that hired me? (I got “downsized” after the sellout before I had to deal with this issue – divine providence perhaps …).

Can a Catholic in good conscience choose to work for a company like J&J if their particular job is not in the division that manufactures oral contraceptives?

The Barrister:
…I work for a godless corporation that won’t allow me to evangelize at work - wow, what I would give for the ability to preach Catholic doctrine at a weekly Bible study with my co-workers!..
So do I, its called the US government!:whacky:

I can barely wear my crucfix at work without being repremanded. The gays can have their gay day and put up gay things around the office but shame on me if I say one word about God!

I now vote entirely Christian in the voting booth, thats why I am a Republican.😉

A prisoner of Christ
Khoria Anna,

Gods peace be with you Theophilus,

I see your delima and ‘feel your pain’ but it looks like some others here have made yours look like no problem at all. It is good that you work in a ‘Christian’ church too. God loves all His children.

I know how hard it is to put up with comments behind your back or with you there. Just remember, they are the ones that need the help, not you.

Keep shining that light in your workplace. Perhaps God has placed you there to shine His light where it may not otherwise shine as brightly.

Good luck

A prisoner of Christ
Khoria Anna:
I’m parish secretary in a protestant “church”. I type their bulletins, help prepare educational materials, advertisements, prepare diocesan parochial reports, etc. I do not attend their services – ever, but do attend the weekly staff Bible study, where my favorite lines are . . . “We Catholics see this issue differently. . .” "That’s a popular misconception about Catholic views, let me explain. . . " Or, the Catholic church would agree here, but takes that thought one step further . . . " The pastor is quite supportive of my outspokeness; some of the staff wish I’d keep my mouth shut or revert to my protestant roots – however, one former staffer is now in RCIA!!! Having seen the thread about the advisability of advertising in other faith communities’ publications, I’m beginning to wonder if taking my weekly paycheck from them and working for them could be at odds with my being Catholic?
I was asked to play the guitar many years ago for born again Christians, Catholics that saw the light in another church.
I said no I could not do it, I’m a Catholic and I don’t inted to change.
A few years later they all had an internal row,some not still speaking, the man in his late 50’s that wanted me to play musuc at his church, now has left his wife and co-habits with a 19 year old.
You do what you want to do, but personally I wouldn’t you can’t have a foot in both camps, it’s like supporting one political party and working for another.:hmmm:
I think that you are doing everything fine. You already have one member in RCIA. This, in my opinion, is a great way of evangelizing to others. My one piece of advice, and I suspect that you are already doing this, is to “Talk to God about your friends before you talk to your friends about God”. As long as your weekly meeting conversations and other conversations are being aired honestly and with love, all will be well.
The Barrister said:
**Khoria Anna, you have an opportunity to do much good in that position. **

I work for a godless corporation that won’t allow me to evangelize at work - wow, what I would give for the ability to preach Catholic doctrine at a weekly Bible study with my co-workers!

May the Holy Spirit continue to guide your words and your works.

If you are American, and truly a lawyer, I would take this issue to the Saint Thomas Moore Law Center. Even if you are not American, but British as your name suggests, you can email them for a referral in your country. 🙂

I am a human resources director in the USA. The law states, that if any person conversations are allowed, then they have no choice but to allow religious discussions. Now some Human Resources Directors run scared, thinking that if they allow no religious speech they will be safe. The Truth is quite the opposite, for they have to have a consistent policy, and if they allow any speech about personal topics, they have to allow all personal speech - even religious speech.
You sound like you are being QUITE true to your beliefs, and even doing GOOD there!

What could be wrong with that? We can’t ALL work for the church at our salaried jobs…we need to bring our faith with us no matter where we work–at godless jobs or Protestant jobs or wherever!!

And YOU are doing just that. It’s perfect–and clearly God is at work through you!!
If you are American, and truly a lawyer, I would take this issue to the Saint Thomas Moore Law Center. Even if you are not American, but British as your name suggests, you can email them for a referral in your country. 🙂

I am a human resources director in the USA. The law states, that if any person conversations are allowed, then they have no choice but to allow religious discussions. Now some Human Resources Directors run scared, thinking that if they allow no religious speech they will be safe. The Truth is quite the opposite, for they have to have a consistent policy, and if they allow any speech about personal topics, they have to allow all personal speech - even religious speech.
I am a Murrikan, and dang proud ovit! 👍 And I am an attorney. :o

I tried to start an “interfaith Bible study group” where I work. We wanted to meet in an empty office. A member of the group decided to call HR and ask permission. No way, was the reply. :mad:

So I sent a rather threatening letter to the HR person since, as an attorney working in contracts and labor law, I happen to know my rights in this area. The result was that the HR person dropped little hints to the other participants (one influential person in particular) that such a group would not be welcome and that I was “wrong” on the issue.

Result? Asked to choose between the Catholic and the HR dweeb, the group died a quick death. I detailed a little of this on my web site at the time.

I’m not in a position right now where I feel comfortable pushing the issue. Would I “win” in the long run? You bet. But I can also evangelize without a Bible study group, so the potential down side of challenging this company to force this particular issue is not worth it at this point.

Now, if I had been a gay man wanting to organize the homosexuals in the office, the company would have catered the party. If I was a Muslim wanting to meet with other adherents to discuss the Quoran, they would have provided a microphone and PA system.

I’m not kidding.
Wow…that sounds like an awesome opportunity. Like several of the other posters…I’m kinda jealous. Keep up the good work, though. One in RCIA is worth two in “the Book” 👍 God Bless.
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