I’m reading Bud MacFarland’s
Conceived Without Sin. It’s really lovely to be able to read a book in which the characters are unabashedly, non-apologizing-for-their-Faith -yet-NOT-in-your-face Catholics!
He’s got three that you can get for free:
Pierced by a Sword
Conceived Without Sin
House of Gold
Yup, it’s fiction. But gotta give credit to MacFarland for making a point about his characters clearly being Catholic and how their Faith works in their lives as the stories unfold.
Amazon sells Conceived Without Sin for $4.00.
I got mine, and two other Bud MacFarland books, for free from Catholicity.
Look on the left side of Catholicity’s Home page for the links to:
Free Catholic CDs & Tapes
Life-changing talks from the Mary Foundation, the world’s largest producer of CDs/tapes.
Free Catholic Novels
America’s favorite Catholic novels from Saint Jude Media, America’s Leading Publisher of Catholic Fictio.
Pierced by a Sword
This heart-pounding classic is must-reading for every Catholic. Discover why America’s best-loved Catholic novelist has thrilled, inspired, and surprised over one million readers who simply could not put this unforgettable epic down.
(Read more description and feedback about
Pierced by a Sword here)
(Meantime, read feedback about Pierced by a Sword here)
Get ready for a journey of epic proportions–rather, cosmic proportions. This book is a little treasure, a marvel. This is an adventure, a comedy, a tragedy, a turbulent odyssey and a peaceful stroll. Most of all, this is a love story like no other I have ever read. A new kind of love story. I’ll see you inside…"
~Michael D. O’Brien
Author of Father Elijah
Satisfied My Restless Heart
(comments by A Visitor from Spring Hill, Florida)
“Pierced By A Sword” is an unbelievable story. I wish it was true. I am moved to tears everytime I open it. Read more testimonies.
** Conceived Without Sin**
From the raging summer waters of the New Jersey shore to the peaceful solitude of cold winter nights on Lake Erie, you will plunge deep into a story about men and marriage with characters who will stay with you for a lifetime.
(Read more description and feedback about
Conceived Without Sin here)
One strange and wonderful thing about Bud Macfarlane’s storytelling is that his people are so loved by the author that they grab you and hold you. This novel is plainly a story of love and marriage and friendship and conversion. Supernatural forces weave in and out, as they must do in real stories of the faith.
~Thomas W. Case
Author of Moonie Buddhist Catholic
Amazing… Glad to have Catholic fiction around!
(comments by Bethany from Texas)
I’ve read all three Saint Jude Media books. I loved every single one of them. “Conceived Without Sin” is my favorite. I can’t wait to have my soon-to-be husband read it! (May 8, 2004 is the wedding date). Wonderful work, by a wonderful author. Glad to have Catholic fiction around! Write more! Read more testimonies.
** House of Gold**
A life-changing adventure about courage, suffering, and redemption. A vision for all time. Take the “long walk” with Buzz Woodward on the way of the Cross through a world of darkness.
(Read more description and feedback about
House of Gold here)
You won’t read a more timeless novel than House of Gold – even if you are reading it one hundred years after it was first published. It offers suffering. I know that sounds strange, but you will love the suffering inside its pages. It’s honest, authentic, gut-wrenching. It’s real. I believe this is Bud Macfarlane’s best work. It offers the Cross. Can you take it?
~John D. O’Brien, Editor
Conceived Without Sin and Father Elijah
“Everyday” Catholics
(comments by Heather B. from Baltimore, MD)
I read all of the books. I could not put them down. I enjoyed them so much because they showed how “everyday” Catholics can live in society and be true to the Faith. Most of us wonder how to live in the world but not be of the world. In a non-threatening way these books show you how. Thaks for helping me live my Faith! Read more testimonies.
Hope this helps!