Do you have any resources I could use to learn more about this, especially the philosophies and medicines and universities in the pre-MuslimGoldenAge timeframe?
Regarding philosophy, Frederick Copleston wrote a series called A History of Philosophy that is helpful. The relevant volume is Volume 2, Medieval Philosophy. During the time frame before the so-called “Muslim Golden Age,” he covers the philosophers Pseudo-Dionysius, St. Boethius, Cassiodorus, and St. Isidore of Seville. He gives the outlines of their philosophical insights with copious references to the books they wrote. (He didn’t write about any author until he had read the author in his original tongue.) He also includes St. Augustine and other Church Fathers who were important figures in philosophy before Islam existed. During the so-called Muslim Golden Age, he discusses Catholic philosophers of the Carolingian Renaissance, including St. Alcuin of York, Bl. Rabanus Maurus, John Scottus Eriugena, and the members of the Palace Academy of Aachen.
Regarding medicines, three pre-Muslim Catholics who developed medical science were St. Nemesius of Emesa, Paul of Aegina, and John of Alexandria. Two locations where medicine was studied were the medical school of Salerno and the University of Constantinople. (Salerno developed its medical school after Islam existed and Muslim contributions were among the many things studied there.) I am not aware of a book which discusses at length the influence of Catholic medical science during this period. There is a free English version of Paul of Aegina’s Medical Compendium in Seven Books available
here, and
the wikipedia article on those books does a good job of summarizing their impact. John Duffy
translated some of John of Alexandria’s medical writings. Nemesius’s medical book is translated
here, though that translation is from the 1600s and exhibits King James type spelling conventions.
Regarding universities, four early Catholic institutions of higher learning that you could look into are the University of Constantinople, the School of Alexandria, the Palace Academy of Aachen, and the Medical School of Salerno. The book Christian Hellenism: Essays and Studies in Continuity and Change by Demetrios Constantelos has some relevant information about the first two of those (
link), and the chapter in which he discusses the University of Constantinople appears at
this link. During the Carolingian Renaissance, the Palace Academy of Aachen and Salerno Medical School were founded. The Palace Academy is discussed in The Carolingians: A Family Who Forged Europe by Pierre Riche (
link) and perhaps in Carolingian Renewal: Sources and Heritage by Donald A. Bullough (
link). For Salerno, you could look at Practical Medicine from Salerno to the Black Death by Luis Garcia-Ballester (
link) and the entry in Medieval Science, Technology, and Medicine: An Encyclopedia by Thomas F. Glick (
I hope that helps. God bless!