Catholicism is dying!

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One can talk about converts won from Protestantism, etc. But on a whole Catholicism and Christianity is fighting for its very survival… especially in Europe. Read this article and you will know exactly what I’m saying… The situation is dire:
I agree with you and if something is not done,we will be considered a hate group here. These Judges have lost their mind and if we don’t get some decent ones,we will surely find out what real persecution is.The persecution has started already, the question is are we going to be in a slumber until it is too late. God Bless
Popular opinion these days seems to have it’s sights set on tolerance for minorities and such. They preach tolerance for everyone with a zeal unseen for some time. But where is the tolerance for Catholicism?
One can talk about converts won from Protestantism, etc. But on a whole Catholicism and Christianity is fighting for its very survival… especially in Europe. Read this article and you will know exactly what I’m saying… The situation is dire:
In the US Catholicism is growing.
This isn’t a numbers game, life. Catholicism will survive or fall by her faith to Christ, not her ability to overcome demographic challenges.

Didn’t Jesus tell us bluntly that we would be the target of hate, of persecution? Did He ever tell us that in order to be his disciples, we needed to get lots of converts and become the majority religion? No! He told us to preach the gospel to the ends of the earth, to love each other, to persevere in carrying the crosses we’re handed.

We serve. God takes care of the results. So don’t give up on the Church. The gates of Hell will not prevail against her.
BLB, I certainly know hell will not prevail. I merely suggest that we not run like frightened puppies into a corner and let 3% of atheist dictate our Faith.God Bless
This isn’t a numbers game, life. Catholicism will survive or fall by her faith to Christ, not her ability to overcome demographic challenges.

Didn’t Jesus tell us bluntly that we would be the target of hate, of persecution? Did He ever tell us that in order to be his disciples, we needed to get lots of converts and become the majority religion? No! He told us to preach the gospel to the ends of the earth, to love each other, to persevere in carrying the crosses we’re handed.

We serve. God takes care of the results. So don’t give up on the Church. The gates of Hell will not prevail against her.
Well said. It’s just so frustrating when the crosses pile up and we are mocked or insulted for it… But that’s the same experience as Christ, and we are called to be like him. It’s easy to give up, and difficult to persevere. I’ll keep this in mind the next time things start to go really poorly around me.
This isn’t a numbers game, life. Catholicism will survive or fall by her faith to Christ, not her ability to overcome demographic challenges.

Didn’t Jesus tell us bluntly that we would be the target of hate, of persecution? Did He ever tell us that in order to be his disciples, we needed to get lots of converts and become the majority religion? No! He told us to preach the gospel to the ends of the earth, to love each other, to persevere in carrying the crosses we’re handed.

We serve. God takes care of the results. So don’t give up on the Church. The gates of Hell will not prevail against her.
“If the world hates you, remember that it hated Me first.”
How beautiful would it be if we could suffer as martyrs for the faith? Painful? yes. Difficult? yes, but full of the grace of God.
God Bless,

If Italians would follow the church teachings on contraception they would have larger families and this would not be such an issue. Instead, muslim immigrants are coming in by the droves to work in an effort to prop up their economy. Maybe one day the vatican will be an Islamic shrine.
If Italians would follow the church teachings on contraception they would have larger families and this would not be such an issue. Instead, muslim immigrants are coming in by the droves to work in an effort to prop up their economy. Maybe one day the vatican will be an Islamic shrine.
If Europeans, that is… AND many Americans…
In the US Catholicism is growing.
Growing, by what standard? Numbers? Numbers mean nothing… it is adherence to the true Faith that counts. And the problem is, in Europe, they are not adhering to the Faith… they are trying to push it out of every aspect of society.

I understand everyone where who says that the Bible says we will be persecuted, so it is expected… I agree. But on the other hand, we shouldn’t just look at the situation and say, “Oh well, Jesus said this would come, we just have to weather the storm.”

No, we should contend for the faith, and speak out more boldly when persecuted. We cannot let Europe fall to Islam. If it falls, and we do nothing… I fear that we will be held accountable. If it falls, and we tried our best… we can know that we did all we could, and that our reward lies ahead of us.
Maybe one day the vatican will be an Islamic shrine.
Hard to hear… but I believe it isn’t a “fantasy” but can be reality in 100-200 years. I heard rumors that there are some Italians who want Vatican property seized and the Pope forced to live in Rome with only one Church: St. John Lateran.
If you study the posts in some of these forums, you will be more aware of why Catholicism is dying. When I first found the site, I was shocked at the the vicious, mean,bitter, hateful, spiteful sarcastic and petty attitudes of some posters towards others.

If Catholics writing in to a Catholic site behave like this, why should anyone take our religion seriously?
Michael Medved has been hosting a three hour show on this very subject.
Good post…I agree…we must not forget that we must carry Jesus’ cross, and that is never easy. I can not remember the exact verse or what book of the Bible it is from, but Jesus said something along these lines, “If the world hates you, remember it hated me first…no servant is greater than its master, and if the world persecutes me, it will surely persecute you”…once again, that is off memory and in no way a direct quote. But we can rest assured because of Jesus’ promise to St. Peter that the Church will endure and the gates of Hell will never prevail…Yes we will be persecuted and some of the elect will fall away…but that is all expected.

Happy Advent and Merry Christmas to all…
This isn’t a numbers game, life. Catholicism will survive or fall by her faith to Christ, not her ability to overcome demographic challenges.

Didn’t Jesus tell us bluntly that we would be the target of hate, of persecution? Did He ever tell us that in order to be his disciples, we needed to get lots of converts and become the majority religion? No! He told us to preach the gospel to the ends of the earth, to love each other, to persevere in carrying the crosses we’re handed.

We serve. God takes care of the results. So don’t give up on the Church. The gates of Hell will not prevail against her.
LOL…I posted and didn’t realize you posted this…we basically said the same thing. 🙂
“If the world hates you, remember that it hated Me first.”
How beautiful would it be if we could suffer as martyrs for the faith? Painful? yes. Difficult? yes, but full of the grace of God.
God Bless,

Tolerance is a catch-all word today that is misinterpreted constantly. Tolerance is defined as accepting views of others that are inherently good. It does not mean putting up with or accepting what is known to be evil.
Bob Baran:
Tolerance is a catch-all word today that is misinterpreted constantly. Tolerance is defined as accepting views of others that are inherently good. It does not mean putting up with or accepting what is known to be evil.
And not only the word tolerance - but the word discriminating - it is a well educated and informed person who has discriminating tastes - they don’t equalize every idea because it is simply an idea and all ideas are not accepted.
If Italians would follow the church teachings on contraception they would have larger families and this would not be such an issue. Instead, muslim immigrants are coming in by the droves to work in an effort to prop up their economy. Maybe one day the vatican will be an Islamic shrine.
Isn’t the largest mosque in Europe in Rome? Didn’t the hierarchy of Rome help to dedicate it?
I thought I read that somewhere.

Wall Street Jnl:

Here’s aphoto with story:,2393,41793,00.html
’Secularism’ in Europe vexes ****Vatican

By Liz Sly, Tribune foreign correspondent

November 5, 2004

VATICAN CITY – Surveying the world beyond the cloistered walls of its Roman enclave, the Vatican sees much to worry about: Terrorism, war, AIDS and poverty are ravaging the lives of many of its constituents around the globe.

But of all the ills afflicting the modern world, none is causing deeper concern than the rising tide of what Vatican officials call “militant secularism” washing over Europe.

The symptoms of that have been piling up fast recently.

In traditionally Roman Catholic Spain, a new socialist government is aggressively promoting legislation that will permit gay marriage, facilitate abortion and speed up divorce.

In historically Catholic France, the government’s ban on the display of “conspicuous” religious symbols in state institutions stirred controversy because while it prevented Muslim girls from wearing veils to school, it also outlawed Christian symbols such as crucifixes.

And perhaps most galling of all, the new European constitution signed with much fanfare last week just across the Tiber River from the Holy See contained no mention of Christianity, despite a vigorous campaign led by the pope for a reference to Europe’s “Christian roots” to be included in the preamble.

Vatican officials say they accept that a Europe with a growing Muslim population cannot describe itself as Christian. But the absence of any reference to Christianity was a bitter blow for an institution that over centuries has laid down the law for the continent’s secular rulers.
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