Pope JPII spoke often and with concern against capital punishment. Yet opinion polls indicated that his teaching on this moral problem was rejected by more than half of American Catholics.
The pope also opposed the war with Iraq without success.
Today’s NATIONAL CATHOLIC REPORTER has a discouraging article about the feelings of American Catholics on use of torture. A survey by the Pew Research Center found that Catholics, more than the total population, approve use of torture.
Instead of showing love of neighbor and practicing turning the other cheek as Jesus taught, 56% of Catholics accept the doctrine of an eye for an eye. This is ten points higher than the total population. Only 26% of Catholics accept the official church teaching that torture is never justified.
Why are Catholics more inclined to violence than the general population in spite of the very clear teaching of the church?
The pope also opposed the war with Iraq without success.
Today’s NATIONAL CATHOLIC REPORTER has a discouraging article about the feelings of American Catholics on use of torture. A survey by the Pew Research Center found that Catholics, more than the total population, approve use of torture.
Instead of showing love of neighbor and practicing turning the other cheek as Jesus taught, 56% of Catholics accept the doctrine of an eye for an eye. This is ten points higher than the total population. Only 26% of Catholics accept the official church teaching that torture is never justified.
Why are Catholics more inclined to violence than the general population in spite of the very clear teaching of the church?