Catholics' Church Attendance Resumes Downward Slide

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The only reason Protestants are steady is due to Evangelical churches. Without them, American stats would be like that of Europe.
I believe Pope Benedict XVI predicted this when he was Cardinal. I imagine that many are leaving as they left Jesus in Scripture. This is a hard teaching…

Of course liberal dissenters will say they don’t agree with Church teaching as if a particular teaching was not a teaching of Jesus but somehow made up by the Church He founded lol.
I think there has been a drop in attendance among Protestant churches, but it gets hidden a bit in the data.
Yes but the overall trend is steady no matter which interval used.
The drop in the percentage in saying they are Protestant went from 71% to 47%, which is a 1/3 drop.
Affiliation with ‘Protestant’ has dropped substantially. But the majority of the loss came from one part of Protestantism, Mainline denominations.
All I can say is that my parish is often at standing room only but I live in Georgia and we are experiencing a population book due to economic opportunity so a lot of people are moving here from the North for jobs. We are building more and more churches to try to keep up with demand. Maybe times will change and one day it will be a spiritual wasteland here as well, but impossible to say.
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