The Mass “is not an ecumenical service,” it is rather “a celebration of the mysteries of Christ who died for us on the cross, who made bread into [H]is body and wine into [H]is blood and told the apostles ‘do this in memory of me,’” insisted Arinze.
“The eucharistic celebration of the Mass is the celebration of the faith community — those who believe in Christ, they are communicating in the [F]aith, and in the sacraments, and in … ecclesiastical unity with their pastor, their bishop and the Pope,” he continued. “Anybody who is not a member of that community does not fit in at all.”
His Eminence explained that if Protestants want to receive Communion, then they should enter into full communion with the Catholic Church.
“Come, be received into the Church, and then you can receive [H]oly Communion seven times a week. Otherwise no,” Arinze said.