Celebrity nativity?

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Any reaction to the David Beckham and Posh Spice as centerpieces in the celebrity laden creche scene at Mme. Tussaud’s wax museum in London? Does it disprove the old adage that “there’s no such thing as bad publicity” or is it a clever way to get the reason for the season to the streets?
Choking and gaging when I saw it on the news this morning, so much for wanting any breakfast.

Linda H.
I have seen it here on the news and I was horrified. How can they replace such holy people by these celebrities.

I didn’t see it, and, I don’t want to. :nope:
Neither do I!

I rarely if ever watch television (only some sports, news on occassion, and EWTN) and I have not been to see a movie since The Passion of the Christ.

I could go on and on about how I feel in regard to Hollywood and the music industry but it would take up too much room.

I think I was born in the wrong era.

God Bless

I thought it was funny, and good social commentary where society truly places their values.
Christian leaders on Wednesday denounced a Nativity scene at a London wax museum featuring soccer star David Beckham and his wife Victoria, a former Spice Girl, as the parents of Jesus.

“Posh and Becks are incredibly famous. They’re the couple of the moment in this day, like Mary and Joseph were the couple of that moment,” says Diana Moon of Madame Tussauds.

The waxwork tableau at Madame Tussauds museum included President Bush as one of the three Wise Men, actors Hugh Grant and Samuel L. Jackson as shepherds and Australian disco diva Kylie Minogue as an angel.

The Vatican was not amused, calling the tableau tasteless. A spokesman said it was unacceptable to have celebrities representing Jesus, Joseph or Mary.

To critics, the museum says it’s sorry, but the nativity will stand through Christmas.

The controversial waxwork Nativity scene depicting David and Victoria Beckham as Joseph and Mary has been wrecked in an attack.

Wax models of the stars, worth £50,000 each, suffered “extensive damage” when a young man attacked the display at Madame Tussauds.

The exhibit, which caused uproar after church leaders called it blasphemous, has now been removed only days after it was unveiled.

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