Checking On the Money Spigots

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About 100 real Conservatives in Congress are ready to rumble over amnesty for illegal immigrants, potential pro-abortion judicial appointments, top-down federal mandates in education, and fund-raising limits in political campaigns. They also want to stop the financial bleeding caused by runaway entitlement programs such as Bush’s controversial prescription drug benefits for seniors.

These Republicans are discontent with many of the Big Government policies promoted by the White House – policies that were to blame for turning a federal budget surplus into a $422 billion deficit during Bush’s first term. They now want to cut back on non-defense government spending far more than Bush does.

“Congress needs to assert itself more,” the article quoted Rep. Zach Wamp, R-Tenn. – to which I add my own hearty AMEN!

As a small-business owner with over 150 employees, I know that you can’t keep on spending more money than you are bringing in, or you won’t be around for long. When a business gets in a bind, it cuts back, reduces its expenses, and lowers the price on its products.

But when the government gets in a bind, the politicians always want to raise our taxes and promote some new boondoggle. The government needs to learn to operate like a business. We need some financial discipline. If our President wants to be a Texas cowboy, he should rope in Government Spending and bulldog the Tax Code.

Americans pay out way too much to Uncle Sam. The best way to energize our economy is to let folks keep more of what they earn, not siphon off their wealth and pour it down the black hole of Big Government bureaucracy. Raising taxes should be made as difficult as possible. We need a constitutional amendment to require a two-thirds supermajority to raise our taxes.
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