Have to say it’s hardly a great surprise, given that about 95+% of Catholics in the US do exactly the same thing! But it still requires a good deal of brave honesty given all the sex-posturing that takes place.
What I object to much more is that Christie is happy to effectively say that he feels able to defy is own religious authorities on the matter, and shape his sex life how he sees fit (that’s his problem if he does that IMO) - but his record is that he’s not willing to extend that right to others. Regardless of the rightness or wrongness, it is the hypocrisy that stinks.
The Church, Christie is basically saying, shouldn’t have a vote in his sex life (fair enough, he’s most definitely not alone even among Catholics), but is
does that one’s boss should have a say in someone else’s (eg he’s loudly affirmed the
Hobby Lobby decision, where the Supreme Court found that an employer should be able to deny contraception coverage based on their religious beliefs).
As the anti-choice movement swings towards opposition to contraception altogether, how is it that suddenly it’s a “moderate” position for someone like Christie to effectively say that safe sex is a luxury and that it should only be available to those who can afford it out of pocket rather than as part of normal health care?
This ridiculous (frankly disgusting) attitude conveniently ignores the problem that everyone suffers when individual women (regardless of their own income level) don’t have the ability to make their own reproductive health care decisions.
Unintended pregnancy costs the US public over $12Bn a year (considering publicly-funded births and associated care - ironically, mostly in Republican-leaning states). There’s one contribution to the overall budget deficit that could vanish overnight if contraception was treated as a right rather than a luxury.
I’m not saying by the way that it’s ok for Christie to present himself as a good and faithful Catholic and then say “well actually I am except for the contraception thing…”. But this is where political and religious beliefs should be kept well apart. Sex shoudln’t be a have vs have-not issue, which is what people like Christie wants to make it. In reality, it’s a normal part of almost everyone’s life. Being judgemental about it isn’t going to change a thing…