Civil Engineer Nun?

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I’m 15 years old, 9th Grader high school student and is still planning on “my future” of what will I become.

I’m quite confused and concerned about this one because my parents wanted me to become a Civil Engineer (which is what I really wanted before) until I became an active member of the church, and somehow, my plan went from engineering to becoming a nun. Just thinking about of being a nun makes me very excited and my heart leaps with a joy that I cannot explain. I’ve become really drawn into living a religious life and offer my life to God but I don’t want to disappoint my parents either.

I’ll be turning 18 in the next few years and I’m wondering if it is possible to study in college of becoming an engineer while being in the process of becoming a nun?

And also, any advice on how would I tell my parents about this?

Please do include me in your prayers. Thank you and God bless.
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If God is calling you to be both a nun and a civil engineer, then that is what you will do. I know that it is perfectly acceptable to be both. I know of priests and brothers who are architects and civil engineers and use their talents for the good of the Church. You may wish to find an Order who allows for such professions. I know that many religious orders have houses of studies in Washington D.C. and the Catholic University of America has a good engineering program. Now, the Order will probably want you to go through your formation program as a religious before studying engineering, but that is always the case. The religious life in the community comes first. Many Orders wish for candidates to have at least some college under their belts, if not a bachelors degree. So you may wish to enroll in an engineering program at a college near a house of the Order you eventually wish to enter into and keep regular contact with the community. Discuss this with the vocations director of your prospective Order. They would be the best to advise you.

God Bless,
Br. Ben, CRM
LOOK LOCALLY FIRST. Get a spiritual director there locally. Be attentive to your sacramental life, as well. Right now, God wants you to be a holy student. As St Therese said before she entered Carmel, she was going to start becoming a saint right then, and not wait for the monastery.

Religious life is one of SERVICE, so be attentive to what needs to be done. St. Francis de Sales says devotion is false if we can’t go from prayer to Daily Duty. Obey your parents, unless they ask you to sin or commit crime. Obey your teachers (unless they request sin or crime). Be a good example to other students without being pushy or judgmental.

I converted at age 16, and transferred to the local parochial high school before being received into the church in 1980. My anniversary is coming up on the 17th. Please feel free to contact me off-loop. I also have a Yahoo support group for those discerning vocations. You’ll find support and encouragement there in a private setting.

Mrs Cloisters OP
Lay Dominican
I’d just tell your parents that this is what God is calling you to do. They may try to talk you out of it or may be concerned that you’re thinking about it at such a young age, I only started contemplating the priesthood last year at the age of 17 and despite realizing that I was being called to serve in another way they still are somewhat wary. But if God is calling you to do something, nothing on earth can stop you from doing it.
I actually did discern a vocation to the religious life while studying engineering. I chose this course because that is what was asked of me of my parents. However, for me, it was a mistake. I did not want to be in college; I wanted to pursue my religious vocation. As a result, I could never settle down to serious studies. I think I would have been better off had I tried the vocation first, then if it still failed, to pursue the degree. Perhaps you’re not as far along in the discernment process as I was, but it is something to consider.
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