With arguments over the bathroom situation in North Carolina, I was wondering if bishops will start speaking about the issue. As far as I know the Church hasn’t said that everybody born with definite male or female genitalia is definitely that gender. That there are only two genders is a Catholic teachings. But there are some people who are born ambiguously. I am not sure if it is possible for someone to be born with a functioning uterus and male reproductive parts. If not, I think that the ability to reproduce as a male or as a female would be the standard to deciding which gender the person is. There is also genes. I’ve read that forensics can tell is someones blood or skin sample is a man or woman. I don’t think that gender reassignment can change this. However, with the doctrine about female priests, there HAS to be some biological way that can show what gender a person is. Can anyone else shine some light on this for us?