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Since 9/11, the U.S. Government has expressed its concerns about al Jazeera’s biased coverage to the Emir of Qatar. A State Department official told CNN that Secretary of State Colin Powell and the emir “had a frank exchange” on the issue and “there should have been no mistake of where we are coming from.” Condoleezza Rice has also criticized the channel. No wonder: typical coverage would include the following pictures shown in quick succession: tiny bodies of Iraqi children supposedly killed by American bombs, woman in a chador sobbing, a giant American B-52 bomber, and fireballs lighting up the Baghdad night sky. One American observer in the Middle East calls al Jazeera “All Intifada, all the time.”

Al Manar, however, makes al Jazeera look like PBS. A new study by Avi Jorisch, a former Pentagon Arab media and terrorism expert, published by the Washington Institute for Near East Studies, exposes this deadly media weapon wielded by Hizballah. “The United States is one of al-Manar’s main targets. Hizballah views America as a terrorist state… Al Manar is used to further that perception, attempting to win the hearts and minds of Arab and Muslim viewers by waging a powerful public relations campaign against the ‘Great Satan.’” writes Jorisch.
He quotes Sheikh Nasrallah, Hizbollah’s Secretary General in a March 2002 speech,
“Today the main source of evil in this world, the main source of terrorism… the central threat to international peace and to the economic development… the main threat to the environment, the main source of … killing and turmoil, and civil wars, and regional wars is the United States of America. The American political discourse is to terrorize the countries of the world. American is a beast in all meanings of the world. A beast that is hungry for power and blood.”
Al Manar focuses much of its broadcasts on alleged American atrocities towards Native Americans, blacks, and the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, while stating that U.S. “oppression” continues unabated. Al Manar brainwashes its audience, including its viewers in the U.S., that America’s foreign policy is designed to “enslave the governments and people of the Middle East and their resources…”

"…Little response has come to date from Washington to this 24/7 global brainwashing. Today, al Jazeera is launching its English language global satellite channel. Al Manar is broadcasting unabated, and its popularity is growing. Al Qaeda is recruiting hundreds, if not thousands, through chat rooms around the world. Jihadi websites are proliferating like poisonous mushrooms, in Arabic, English, French, Farsi, Urdu, Uzbek, and in the languages of the Indian subcontinent and East Asia.* After 9/11 the CIA experienced an acute shortage of funds and lacked the qualified linguists who would be needed just to keep track of these spewing Niagaras of hatred. The battle of ideas has thus far been an American weak spot in the war on terror…
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