breaking news,
The seal of confession will stay protected in Victoria, Aus.
more to come
The seal of confession will stay protected in Victoria, Aus.
more to come
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What exactly were they trying to change with celibacy? It’s already voluntary. No one is forced to be a priest. (And of course the Eastern rites have some married priests.)Royal commission recommendations:
Religious ministers forced to report information confided in them in confessional
Creating a new criminal offence for failing to protect children within an institution
The creation of a new National Office for Child Safety
Celibacy in the Catholic Church would become voluntary (emphasis added)
Child molesters are highly unlikely to tell anyone, including the priest in the confessional, what they are doing. Many of them are in serious denial about what they are doing or they do not see it as sinful, because they are sick in the head.Even is a child molester confesses to a priest and says that they will never molest again, I don’t feel as though that is enough.
What do you mean, “Lawyers are conspicuously absent”? There are lawyers all over this forum, including in this thread. Many of them don’t announce, “Hi, I’m a lawyer” on every post. That is considered a bit crass and it also leads to a lot of unwanted discussions (people hit you up for legal advice that you cannot give them, people often don’t even believe you’re a lawyer if you tell them, people attack the legal profession, etc)Lawyers are conspicuously absent…