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I was curious. Does the Confitor not have to be used ever? Is it just up to the priests or “the liturgical experts” in a parish? We seem to only use the “Lord Have Mercy” but NEVER the “I Confess” even on Sunday Masses. Is this allowed?? I go to daily Mass at other parishes and they use it. Does anyone know??
I can’t say with certainty that it doesn’t HAVE to be used ever. I know that we usually use the “Lord have Mercy” version, as well. But during Lent we have been saying the confiteor at both Sunday Masses and Daily Masses. My guess would be that it is entirely up to the celebrant.
I was curious. Does the Confitor not have to be used ever? Is it just up to the priests or “the liturgical experts” in a parish? We seem to only use the “Lord Have Mercy” but NEVER the “I Confess” even on Sunday Masses. Is this allowed?? I go to daily Mass at other parishes and they use it. Does anyone know??
There are three possible options for the Penitential Rite. Only the first one has the Confiteor as part of it. All three of them have some form of “Lord Have Mercy”.

It’s up to the priest saying Mass to chose the option. (In reality it may be some liturgy director who gives the direction but it is ultimately the priest who decides.)
Is it allowed to request it??? Sorry folks I am a convert so I don’t know what is and is not allowed. It just seems like a bunch of corner cutting to me. Saints Preserve us~ that someone should admit that they have sinned attitude. Maybe not the best attitude- I CONFESS! 😃
Is it allowed that we should want some of the Sacredness of the Holy Mass there?? Am I in error on this?? :eek:
Is it allowed to request it??? Sorry folks I am a convert so I don’t know what is and is not allowed. It just seems like a bunch of corner cutting to me. Saints Preserve us~ that someone should admit that they have sinned attitude. Maybe not the best attitude- I CONFESS! 😃
Is it allowed that we should want some of the Sacredness of the Holy Mass there?? Am I in error on this?? :eek:
Well the Penitential Rite, whatever form it takes, usually starts with the priest asking us to ‘call to mind our sins’. When he says this that is exactly what we’re supposed to do - in the same manner as before we go to confession. For me this is more than enough.

What do you think saying ‘Lord have mercy’ means anyway? ‘May almighty God have mercy on us, forgive us our sins and bring us to everlasting life’ - doesn’t sound like corner cutting to me.
In most cases and with most faithful yes I agree with you. The problem I see is when the lines for the confessionals are none existant or very short and the lines to recieve Him are very long. This is of course also in light of more serious very real abuses in norms. This is also in light of very poor catechisis and serious disrespect of the Holy Eucharist and Mass itself. Yes~ I agree with you that in most cases that is good enough. Unfortunatly good enough does not help the ones who are in serious sin and still recieve anyway from getting to confession or to heaven. Most folks on this forum are pretty faithful Catholics for the most part I would imagine - the problem is the people who are just milquetoasting it through their life with Christ and strait into the pit. The little “I Confess” is a brief simple and effective catechisis tool and helps with evangelizing souls. I only wish that the same zeal and love of the Holy Church that is demostrated by all here was demonstrated by the many who do not take their faith seriously.
Sorry I kind of went on a bit…
I don’t disagree with anyone here about current usage, but I would like to point out that this is one of the most severely rewritten parts of the rite in contrast to the Traditional Latin Mass. The Latin confiteor (correct spelling) is much longer, was mandatory, and actually happened three different times in the Latin Mass. I am not saying that this was an ideal arrangement, but it is an example of something that had been accepted for centuries as an important part of ritual that was transformed into something that can easily pass for perfunctory.
I am not aware of anything that requires the priest to sometimes choose the “I Confess” for the penitential rite. The rubrics in the Roman Missal’s Order of Mass have: “After the silence, one of the following three forms is chosen: …”. (From The Roman Missal, Catholic Book Publishing Co., New York, 1985, page 360.)

On Sundays there can be no Penitential Rite. From the 2002 General Instruction of the Roman Missal (GIRM), n. 51: “On Sundays, especially in the Season of Easter, in place of the customary Act of Penitence, from time to time the blessing and sprinkling of water to recall Baptism may take place.” (From )
See I knew you guys would have the strait dope on this. Thank you all. Just like the Liturgy is not open to majority vote when it is matters that I understand fully the same applies to other things. I have to just be a bit more patient and obedient. I do not want to be the liturgical police. After thinking about it a bit more I doubt that whether it was used or not in any form would make a difference in the lines for confession. Thank you all for your help again.
John Lilburne:
I am not aware of anything that requires the priest to sometimes choose the “I Confess” for the penitential rite. The rubrics in the Roman Missal’s Order of Mass have: “After the silence, one of the following three forms is chosen: …”. (From The Roman Missal, Catholic Book Publishing Co., New York, 1985, page 360.)

On Sundays there can be no Penitential Rite. From the 2002 General Instruction of the Roman Missal (GIRM), n. 51: “On Sundays, especially in the Season of Easter, in place of the customary Act of Penitence, from time to time the blessing and sprinkling of water to recall Baptism may take place.” (From )
Well, it may be optional but I definitely miss the Confetior. It would seem especially appropriate during Lent.

Also, whatever happened to the Gloria?
See I knew you guys would have the strait dope on this. Thank you all. Just like the Liturgy is not open to majority vote when it is matters that I understand fully the same applies to other things. I have to just be a bit more patient and obedient. I do not want to be the liturgical police. After thinking about it a bit more I doubt that whether it was used or not in any form would make a difference in the lines for confession. Thank you all for your help again.
Indeed it may have the opposite effect, giving people the impression that they don’t NEED to go to Confession after saying it. But let’s not speculate, you never know what impact these things have on people …
Well, it may be optional but I definitely miss the Confetior. It would seem especially appropriate during Lent.

Also, whatever happened to the Gloria?
The Gloria is not said/sung in Lent. On Easter it will (and must) return. It’s not optional.
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