Death For Peterson...How Do You Feel?

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We could have safely kept him away from society. I believe it morally wrong in this instance to execute him.
I am completely opposed to the death penalty and I believe Peterson would suffer much more and more appropriately if he was required to live and remain in prison for the rest of his natural life. He should have the rest of his natural life to be continually reminded about what he did to his wife and baby.
I am glad we don’t get what we deserve,thankyou Jesus.Feelings and emotions could rejoice in the death penalty, but, to pray for his conversion and repentance is my priority, right now. I hate what he did, but will his death undo it?He is merely a product of the culture of death.God Bless:crying:
I am generally against the death penalty, but this case I am definetly against it. The evidence was all very circumstantial. I concede that it looks bad for Peterson, but it is still circumstantial.
NightRiderI am completely opposed to the death penalty and I believe Peterson would suffer much more and more appropriately if he was required to live and remain in prison for the rest of his natural life. He should have the rest of his natural life to be continually reminded about what he did to his wife and baby.
I could not have said this better. The only thing I would add is that he should be required to have photos of his pregnant wife on the walls of his cell.
I am completely opposed to the death penalty and I believe Peterson would suffer much more and more appropriately if he was required to live and remain in prison for the rest of his natural life. He should have the rest of his natural life to be continually reminded about what he did to his wife and baby.
Although, he got death, I really doubt it will go through. He will be doing what you said, sitting inside of a cell, with about an hour out of it everyday…there are 650 people waiting on death row right now in California… It has been about 5 years since the last person was put to death. Appeals tie up the courts for years…
I oppose the death penalty in most cases (I qualified the statement because the Catechism implies that there may be cases where it is warranted, but also says that those instances would be so rare as to be almost non-existent. Non-existent is a qualifier). We can protect society from him until he dies a natural death. We don’t need to kill him. Life is given by God and He alone should be Sovereign over it.
I could not have said this better. The only thing I would add is that he should be required to have photos of his pregnant wife on the walls of his cell.
Thank you, and I love your idea! 👍
I oppose the death penalty in most cases (I qualified the statement because the Catechism implies that there may be cases where it is warranted, but also says that those instances would be so rare as to be almost non-existent. Non-existent is a qualifier). We can protect society from him until he dies a natural death. We don’t need to kill him. Life is given by God and He alone should be Sovereign over it.
I think you are right and I agree with you 👍
Although, he got death, I really doubt it will go through. He will be doing what you said, sitting inside of a cell, with about an hour out of it everyday…there are 650 people waiting on death row right now in California… It has been about 5 years since the last person was put to death. Appeals tie up the courts for years…
I just know you are right–and I didn’t consider how appeals tie up the courts for so long. He might *want *to die after waiting and appealing for so long…
I just know you are right–and I didn’t consider how appeals tie up the courts for so long. He might *want *to die after waiting and appealing for so long…
I think he might… I can’t imagine spending that much time by myself… I like talking too much, I would probably get on my own nerves.
He should have the rest of his natural life to be continually reminded about what he did to his wife and baby.
Are you saying that he will not be continually reminded after death? Wouldn’t he be even more conscious in the next life?
Are you saying justice can only take place on earth?
In any case, with the std. appeal procedure, he’ll be alive for 12-18 more years, at least.
I am a bit ambivalent about this.
I believe that the death penalty is appropriate in certain cases. I do not believe that this is one of them. Scott Peterson is not a threat to murder anyone (wither directly or through intermediaries) while in prison.
That having been said, the penetential aspects of the sentence may be appropriate in this case. Timothy McViegh repented prior to his execution because he knew when he would die. My personal opinon is that I don’t think Peterson will repent with a life sentence.
There are times the death penalty is necessary. We have had whole treads devoted to this subject in the past. I have come to hate the death penalty. In Illinois they have freed many on death row that were cleared by DNA that is now available. So, when I posted that I was against the death penalty I was given several good points about how it might be the right thing for a state to do. However, that being said, I think for the most part it is as wrong as abortion. Yet, we have to reserve the right of the state to keep the penalty.

If it is more harmful to society to keep a person alive,and it will lead to more death or misery for society- then the state should have the right to use it.

Scott Peterson, I don’t have an opinion on because I have not followed or heard the case enough to know. Let’s just say, I don’t really care about him. I feel nothing. I do feel bad for Lacy’s and his mom.
I am a bit ambivalent about this.
I believe that the death penalty is appropriate in certain cases. I do not believe that this is one of them. Scott Peterson is not a threat to murder anyone (wither directly or through intermediaries) while in prison.
That having been said, the penetential aspects of the sentence may be appropriate in this case. Timothy McViegh repented prior to his execution because he knew when he would die. My personal opinon is that I don’t think Peterson will repent with a life sentence.
I agree… I think the solitary confinement he will have on Death Row would be appropriate vs the rights he would have had if he got LWOP… Death, I have a hard time with that… I really struggle with my feelings about the death penalty.
I was frankly surprised and rather disappointed by this verdict. For one it will result in a kazillion appeals and cost the taxpayers of California MILLIONS of dollars. I think it’s cost quite enough. But I guess Greta Van Sustren will have another season at Fox. This seems to be the only topic she knows about. Sheesh!

The crime was despicable, particularly given Laci’s pregnancy. And while I think he is 100% guilty, I don’t think that the level of the crime or the criminal would warrent the death penalty. I would see this only in the most egregious cases where the convicted felon would continue to be a danger to society from inside prison.

I really think Scott probably killed Laci in some kind of state of rage. Maybe she found out about the mistresses or maybe it was the line in the sand because she was pregnant. Were this really the case, he did himself no favors trying to get off. I believe he would have been charged with a different crime and not face the death penalty.

Too bad. I think some of the jurors are more interested in book deals than justice.
Lisa N
Although, he got death, I really doubt it will go through. He will be doing what you said, sitting inside of a cell, with about an hour out of it everyday…there are 650 people waiting on death row right now in California… It has been about 5 years since the last person was put to death. Appeals tie up the courts for years…
Since it is a death penalty an appeal is automatic under law; there is also a good chance that the verdict or trial could be overturned. Complaints of an overly agressive judge and no physical evidence ever emerging during trial. This isn’t over.
Life is given by God and He alone should be Sovereign over it.
He is. God works through His agents.
Genesis 9:6.

If anyone sheds the blood of man, by man shall his blood be shed;* For*** in the image of God has man been made.”
Ecclesiastes 8:11 warns,
Because sentence against an evil work is not executed speedily, therefore the heart of the sons of men is fully set in them to do evil.”
Romans 13:4
For he is the minister of God to thee for good. But if thou do that which is evil, be afraid; for he beareth not the sword in vain: for he is the minister of God, a revenger to execute wrath upon him that doeth evil.”

Acts 25:11
"For if I be an offender, or have committed any thing worthy of death, I refuse not to die: but if there be none of these things whereof these accuse me, no man may deliver me unto them. I appeal unto Caesar."
The wisdom of God – known to us through His just laws – must never be referred to as unnecessary. God is the creator and has the perfect right to take life when He so chooses, and, He also has full right to order that it be taken under certain conditions.

Rom. 1:32
"Although they know the just decree of God that all who practice such things deserve death, they not only do them but give approval to those who practice them. "

Saint Pius V, reaffirmed, in the Catechism of the Council of Trent (1566), that executions were acts of “paramount obedience to the (fifth/sixth) commandment.”
Pope Pius XII, 9/14/52
“When it is a question of the execution of a man condemned to death it is then reserved to the public power to deprive the condemned of the benefit of life, in expiation of his fault, when already, by his fault, he has dispossessed himself of the right to live.” .
What biblical and theological teachings, developed from 1952 through 1997, provide that the standard for executions should evolve from “paramount obedience” to God’s eternal law to a civil standard reflecting “steady improvements . . . in the penal system?”
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