Dec 17 1944

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Thank God the Americans of that generation saw their duty more clearly than our generation sees ours.
Amazing how you can read that article, substituting current names and enemies, and it would be applicable today.

Like I’ve said on here repeatedly, we are fighting another version of the Nazis. I’m grateful we aren’t waiting until after the Holocaust this time.

“Those who don’t know their history are condemned to repeat it.”
Amazing how you can read that article, substituting current names and enemies, and it would be applicable today.
Sweetheart, that’s not a real article from 1944. It was something a guy wrote up this year to be cute.
Sweetheart, that’s not a real article from 1944. It was something a guy wrote up this year to be cute.
LOL. Duh. I read it in a hurry before. Reading it again I see that.


I’m gonna go hide under a rock now. :whacky:
it is a mystery to me where you people find these websites. the weirdest one I lurk on is as far as the “unwinnable war” theory that many critics of Roosevelt and the Allies did hold on the eve of the Battle of the Bulge, all I can say is “Nuts.”
it is a mystery to me where you people find these websites. the weirdest one I lurk on is as far as the “unwinnable war” theory that many critics of Roosevelt and the Allies did hold on the eve of the Battle of the Bulge, all I can say is "Nuts."

Now, annie, the young 'uns are not going to get that reference. But I loved it!!!

There is nothing more fun than mouthing off to a fascist!
and the Allies did hold on the eve of the Battle of the Bulge, all I can say is “Nuts.”
I thought that one was out of the Korean war.
Now, annie, the young 'uns are not going to get that reference. But I loved it!!!

There is nothing more fun than mouthing off to a fascist!

Hey! some of us ‘young’uns’ learned history…(McAuliffe).


Hey! some of us ‘young’uns’ learned history…(McAuliffe).


I’ll second that thanks to Dearly departed historian Stephen Ambrose.
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