Democrats To Call Hearings

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“Democrats, having started their decline in 1994 and losing more ever since, have announced plans for a set of “hearings” during which they will examine the policies and conduct of the Bush Administration…”

"But if the hearings resemble those conducted on Dec. 8 by Rep. John Conyers, Michigan Democrat, which sought to portray the Ohio vote as wrong and, therefore, question the legitimacy of President Bush’s re-election, it will be seen as another political ploy and be dismissed by the people Democrats need to reach.

The planned hearings are scheduled to begin next month and organizers say Republicans will be invited to participate (good luck getting any). Suggested topics look like more of the same we have come to expect from Democrats: contract abuses in Iraq, mistakes by the administration in its use of prewar intelligence and misleading cost estimates for the Medicare drug benefit.

(Democrats should be careful with the last point, since it was a Democrat president, Lyndon Johnson, who pushed Medicare through Congress with the promise it wouldn’t cost much. Then, it was projected the health benefit would cost $9 billion by 1990. The actual cost was $67 billion. Today, thanks to President Bush’s prescription drug benefit, projections for the drug benefit alone are $540 billion over 10 years.)…"
They won’t be official house hearings. They are actually democratic strategy meetings, not hearings. Will see if the press falls for this political ploy or not.
They won’t be official house hearings. They are actually democratic strategy meetings, not hearings. Will see if the press falls for this political ploy or not.

The MAINSTREAM press :whacky: IS part of this political ploy.:banghead:


The MAINSTREAM press :whacky: IS part of this political ploy.:banghead:

Well here’s another project for Dan Rather and Mary Mapes.
As a conservative it is my most fervent hope that the Democrats keep doing exactly what they have been doing for the past 10 years.
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