Some of us have a deep devotion for the Eucharist and when you use it to promote your politics we are willing to sacrifice our life to stop that.
That is what I am doing in opposing Archbishop Raymond Burke protesting the Eucharist from a potential sacrilege and scandal and I ask "What percent of your congregation do not go up and receive the Blessed Sacrament because they are in mortal sin? I understand about 10% used to receive. What percent of your congregation are at confession even just before Easter? So many in mortal sin receiving. This is sad, but what IF some bishop should deny the blessed Sacrament for ulterior motives? We already have established corruption in American bishops. We have a presidential campaign involving BILLIONS of dollars. I don’t know about you, but last time I confessed, I asked to avoid the OCASSION of sin. Just to be on the safe side, I DEMAND an independent financial audit of archbishop Raymond Burke. Why would anyone object to that?It’s not about politics in the least. It’s about protecting the Eucharist from a potential sacrilege and scandal.