Divine mercy and penal substitution

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Greetings! Hopefully this is the right location for this question:

My wife and I read a book, 33 Days to Merciful Love, by Fr. Michael Gaitley, and listened to a Lighthouse CD featuring Fr. Chris Alar in the subject of Divine Mercy, and both priests said two things that confused us. If anyone has read/listened to these priests and is familiar with what I’m about to say, I’d love some help understanding them!

The first is that both priests often talk about Divine Mercy as though it were genuinely different from and even opposed to Divine Justice. They quote St. Therese and St. Faustina, the latter who quotes Jesus in her diary, where He talks about the door of justice and the door of mercy as two different things. I had always understood justice and mercy to be two sides to the same coin, two different ways of understanding the same thing, since God is indivisible, and His “attributes” are in actuality without distinction.

The second I find more difficult. They both speak of Christ’s passion and death as though it were necessary to pay the debt of justice owed by our sins, and they do so in terms that sound like penal substitution, which I know to be heresy. I had understood Christ’s passion as being most fitting, an act of perfect love, and that that was why He died, but that, strictly speaking, His death wasn’t necessary. Penal substitution makes His death necessary, which is how they explained it (Jesus is a victim to justice in our place).

I think most of what these priests write sounds really orthodox and solid, and I firmly believe that I must be missing something or failing to understand something here, because I don’t believe they are promoting actual heresy here. Can anyone help?
The first is that both priests often talk about Divine Mercy as though it were genuinely different from and even opposed to Divine Justice. They quote St. Therese and St. Faustina, the latter who quotes Jesus in her diary, where He talks about the door of justice and the door of mercy as two different things.
I haven’t read/listened to that specific material, but I think they can represent different kinds of relation/interaction with us as created beings (based on grace or not). God’s justice and mercy aren’t inherently separate in His own essence but there is a difference to us… if that makes sense.

If you are referring to St. Faustina’s “He who refuses to pass through the door of My mercy must pass through the door of My justice”, I think that refers to our afterlife.

Just my thoughts… I am not a theologian or priest, just an interested lay Catholic.
The second I find more difficult. They both speak of Christ’s passion and death as though it were necessary to pay the debt of justice owed by our sins, and they do so in terms that sound like penal substitution, which I know to be heresy. I had understood Christ’s passion as being most fitting, an act of perfect love, and that that was why He died, but that, strictly speaking, His death wasn’t necessary. Penal substitution makes His death necessary, which is how they explained it (Jesus is a victim to justice in our place).

603 Jesus did not experience reprobation as if he himself had sinned.405 But in the redeeming love that always united him to the Father, he assumed us in the state of our waywardness of sin, to the point that he could say in our name from the cross: "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?"406 Having thus established him in solidarity with us sinners, God “did not spare his own Son but gave him up for us all”, so that we might be “reconciled to God by the death of his Son”.407

613 Christ’s death is both the Paschal sacrifice that accomplishes the definitive redemption of men, through “the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world”,439 and the sacrifice of the New Covenant, which restores man to communion with God by reconciling him to God through the “blood of the covenant, which was poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins”.440

614 This sacrifice of Christ is unique; it completes and surpasses all other sacrifices.441 First, it is a gift from God the Father himself, for the Father handed his Son over to sinners in order to reconcile us with himself. At the same time it is the offering of the Son of God made man, who in freedom and love offered his life to his Father through the Holy Spirit in reparation for our disobedience.442

615 "For as by one man’s disobedience many were made sinners, so by one man’s obedience many will be made righteous."443 By his obedience unto death, Jesus accomplished the substitution of the suffering Servant, who “makes himself an offering for sin”, when “he bore the sin of many”, and who “shall make many to be accounted righteous”, for “he shall bear their iniquities”.444 Jesus atoned for our faults and made satisfaction for our sins to the Father.445
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