Do You Want a Vocation to the Single Life?

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If you believe or want the single life to be a Church vocation, would you mind sharing why you believe/want this? I am genuinely curious as to why the holy sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, and the Eucharist are not deemed sufficient for a holy life in the world. Thank you.

No, I am not interested in any quotes from Sacra Virginitas… I would like the full spectrum of thought on this for people with or without private vows of continence for the sake of the Kingdom… Thank you.
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Your CAF anniversary or your birthday.
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From my opinion, the answer is obvious as i’ve say it in the another discussion How Downplayed is the Vocation to Single Life? - #63 by Mboo
On the current context, it’s more urgent to help the humanity that suffer spritually, bodily, materially etc rather than bringing to the world without necessity someone who did not ask to be born.
if not what is reasonably justify that one prefers to use one’s resources to found a new family without objective necessity whereas around people are withering in a multifarious misery (spiritual, material etc.)? and that his resources could have helped them in a more just way?
To be consecrate like that totally to the service of God or the services of humanity, no need to enter the religious orders. And to choose such a life is indeed a supernatural vocation, it is not naturally given.
The man who get marries hopes to receive the consolations of human love (conjugal love and family love)
In the life of religious orders, the defect of a natural family is compensated by the social, spiritual and even material security offered by religious institutes. In choosing a vocation of celibacy “in the world” one has no predictable natural or human compensation, one expects everything from the providence of God. It is a greater risk and a greater sacrifice to God. We must really have received a call or a God vocation for making a such choice.
If I understand your thought correctly, one reason for seeking a “single vocation” is to give up children so as to not take away resources from already existing human beings and instead dedicate yourself to helping the human beings already on earth. You think there has to be justification to raise a family because they’d take away from global resources rather than having that as a human right. Would that be a fair reading?
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Of course, as i’ve say, in the current context where human population is not in danger of extinction, if we have the choice beetween to use our resources to safe an existing life ( spiritually, or corporally) or to give a born to a new life, then it’s more just to safe an existing life. Its obvious to me.
I think a lot of Catholics, especially those who don’t fit a vocation can be left feeling like there is little to do beyond going for communion on Sunday. Parishes aren’t perfect and Catholic volunteering agencies can’t cover everywhere. Additionally many of us lack confidence or obvious talent and find it hard to go it alone.
when you do not have the talent to do “visible” works, you have to pray and do penances. So the time that could have been spent to educate children, can be converted into times of prayer and penance. In the intimacy of God, and the trust in God.
To be able to pray incessantly and to do penance are talents whom God has given to everyone
I do wonder if more teaching on how to develop a good prayer life would help people in this situation.
There I fully agree with you, One should teach the Christian to humble himself and to pray constantly to God
And never forget, more in the eyes of men we are useless “without vocations” etc. More in the eyes of God we have great value. We must accept this scorn that we receive both from the members of the Church (as being “without a vocation”) and from the world (as unhappy unmarried) to humble ourselves in the hands of God, and then we will a great value to him.
So this misunderstanding and contempt must be used as penances, and as motives for continually moaning to God through our prayers
Thank you for off-shooting this. Personally, it’s not a “want” but an affirmation. I’ve had attractions but never actively pursued a sexual relationship.

I have always been in service to the Church, prior to Confirmation as an alter server. It wasn’t til I entered a celibate relationship with a Protestant, faith-Baptist that I realized what I wouldn’t compromise. Finding myself crying during Mass, getting emotional while administering the Body and Blood of Christ.

It’s been a mixture of thinking no man will come between me and Christ and His Presence in the Holy Sacrament of the Alter…and thinking myself as asexual and not suitable or right for marriage but not thinking I was fully capable of being a Sister… that for some reason my calling is to do more as a lay person.
I was called to the single life at some stage during the last 3 years when I began listening, probably before too when, sadly, I wasn’t listening.
As to why I know that this is my calling, I don’t know that I can explain. Only thing I can say is that if you are listening, ie following God’s commandments, living in a state of grace, praying, going about life/receiving the sacraments and doing God’s will to the best of your ability then you will be led quite clearly to what He wants for you.
I don’t think it is a case of Baptism, Confirmation etc. not being enough because they are essential, it’s just His plan and that is quite different for all. There is no ‘just’ about His chose plan for any of us.
If you are asking because you wonder if you are called to this or a vocation (this can be either) then read some literature on vocations and/or speak to a vocations director and pray. God bless
Why always ask “what God wants for me?” If God absolutely wants someone to get married he will get married! if God absolutely wants someone to be a priest he will be so, etc. All that God absolutely wants is always done!

“love and do what you want” That’s it! God wants us to be free to do what we want ourselves on condition that we do it in charity!
If what we do is guided by charity then we certainly do the will of God.
Not for me. My goal in life is to get married and make lots of catholic babies 😊
In some ways the single life is attractive, but I don’t see how it could be a vocation.
I insist in all these subjects on celibacy in the hope of finding someone who could explain to me reasonably why many have a difficulty to accept that celibacy can be a vocation?
There is a difference in a state of life and a vocation.

EDIT: You also haven’t been arguing for “celibacy” you’ve been arguing for being single and being able to consecrate yourself. There are many vocations that involve celibacy and consecration, the closest to what you’re talking about is a secular institute. I still haven’t seen an argument for why the single life in particular should be separated as its own vocation.
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