"Does your Master want you to betray Him?"

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Jesus gave Judas a piece of bread at the Last Supper after telling the Apostles:
But this is to fulfill this passage of Scripture: ‘He who shared my bread has turned against me.’
John 13:18

If you had been Judas how would you have answered the question:

"Does your Master want you to betray Him?
A diabolically difficult question the only answer I can think of - if I had been Judas - is “Yes”…
I had been in Judas position back then, when Jesus told me that, I would have gathered my things and left town immediately and head FAR away.

Even if Judas had not turned him in, they probably would have found Jesus soon enough anyway.
A diabolically difficult question the only answer I can think of - if I had been Judas - is “Yes”…
Because Judas may well have thought Jesus wanted him to fulfil the prophecy. Since the apostles had already been told the Son of Man had to suffer there seemed to be no alternative…
I think he answer would be “No”.

But I think Jesus was fully aware of where Judas’ mind was going and how vulnerable he had become, such that it was inevitable that the betrayal would occur. Plus, to agree with your point of view discounts what the gospels actually say about Judas’ motivations, which is primarily greed.

That said, greed and selfishness tends to hide itself in many layers of self-deception. It may be that Judas was telling himself that he was doing something virtuous and right by bringing Jesus before the Sanhedrin.

My two cents anyway.

God bless,
Jesus gave Judas a piece of bread at the Last Supper after telling the Apostles:

John 13:18

If you had been Judas how would you have answered the question:

"Does your Master want you to betray Him?
However, read verse 21 where it says Jesus was troubled. I don’t think Jesus wanted Judas to betray him. He just knew it was going to happen.

“Wake up! Listen to what the Holy Spirit tells you: ‘Si inimicus meus maledixisset mihi, sustinuissem utique—If it were an enemy who insulted me, I could put up with that.’ But you … ‘tu vero homo unanimis, dux meus, et notus meus, qui simul mecum dulces capiebas cibos—you, my friend, my apostle, who sit at my table and take sweet food with me!’*” (St J. Escrivá, The Way, 244).
Because Judas may well have thought Jesus wanted him to fulfil the prophecy. Since the apostles had already been told the Son of Man had to suffer there seemed to be no alternative…
If Judas was guaranteed heaven for doing that, Jesus wouldn’t have said it is better he hadn’t been born. If he was guaranteed heaven, suicide won’t be the way either. No one commits suicide to go to heaven. He did it for money perhaps expecting a different result. But when he realised things were not going the way he expected he couldn’t accept the shame and horror of his deed and saw it fitting to end his life. But as I said in another post, he could have mitigated the damage by being a witness for Christ at the trial and asking for forgiveness. He did neither. If he has done that and Jesus still meet his fate, the prophecy would still have come true, mankind will still be redeemed but Judas would end up forgiven as Peter did. A gospel preaching Judas would have made a serious impact at the synagogues.
I think he answer would be “No”.

But I think Jesus was fully aware of where Judas’ mind was going and how vulnerable he had become, such that it was inevitable that the betrayal would occur. Plus, to agree with your point of view discounts what the gospels actually say about Judas’ motivations, which is primarily greed.

That said, greed and selfishness tends to hide itself in many layers of self-deception. It may be that Judas was telling himself that he was doing something virtuous and right by bringing Jesus before the Sanhedrin.

My two cents anyway.

God bless,
Judas certainly didn’t expect Jesus to be crucified because when he heard his Master had been condemned he immediately threw the money into the temple and hanged himself.
When Judas, who had betrayed him, saw that Jesus was condemned,
he was seized with remorse and returned the thirty pieces of silver to the chief priests and the elders. 4 “I have sinned,” he said, “for I have betrayed innocent blood.”“What is that to us?” they replied. “That’s your responsibility.”5 So Judas threw the money into the temple and left. Then he went away and hanged himself. The most significant words are **"****I have betrayed innocent blood" **which prove he did not intend to sacrifice Jesus for the money. He was not guilty of premeditated murder like Caiphas who doesn’t reveal any sense of guilt or remorse. Why didn’t Judas think of the consequences when he must have seen men crucified even as a child because Romans left the corpses hanging by the roadside as a warning to potential rebels? It seems very strange that the possibility didn’t enter his mind. If it had he would undoubtedly have had second thoughts about kissing his Master when the High Priest’s lackeys came to arrest Him. Judas must also have wondered why Jesus handed him the piece of bread when He knew He was going to be betrayed. It seemed as if his Master not only wanted to be betrayed to fulfil the prophecy but also wanted to know him to know He was fully aware of what was going to happen:
As soon as Judas took the bread, Satan entered into him.
So Jesus told him, “What you are about to do, do quickly.” John 13:27

There was no doubt in St John’s mind Judas was possessed and after they had been travelling companions for three years he knew him very well. Why should we doubt his judgment when he had seen Jesus exorcise people? Nor did Judas hesitate to do what his Master told him to do. He must have thought there was a good reason for betraying Jesus even though he didn’t know what it was. He knew he was going to be rewarded by the Sanhedrin but he was not dominated by greed and selfishness. If he had been he wouldn’t have returned the money without hesitation. To him the fate of his Master was more important than anything else, even his own life. He may still have been possessed when he killed himself. Perhaps that idea was also put into his mind but it is more likely there was nothing else he could think of to make up for his hideous crime. In his tortured mind he may have thought he would go to Hell but his words suggest otherwise: "I have betrayed innocent blood". His thoughts must have been on the torture his beloved Master was enduring and his hours on the Cross. That is why he couldn’t bear to live any longer. He had to escape and somehow pay for his crime with his death. So he hanged himself. What else could He have done? He was not malicious but misguided and misled by an evil power we too ignore at our peril. If we believe there is no such thing as being possessed we are ignoring all the evidence in the Gospels and virtually regarding the evangelists as fools who didn’t know what they were writing about. If we think diabolical possession is a thing of the past how do we explain the horrific atrocities committed by the Nazis, planned and organised months in advance? Were they all insane? Was Judas insane? I believe he was a victim who was deceived as the result of his weakness. Much of the evil in the world is caused by the lust for wealth but unlike Judas not everyone is sorry for the suffering they inflict in the process of becoming rich and powerful. In the world of commerce and finance the law of the jungle still exists…
In his tortured mind he may have thought he would go to Hell but his words suggest otherwise: "I have betrayed innocent blood".
This sentence would be clearer if I had written:

"In his tortured mind he may have been thinking about the prospect of going to Hell.
I’m sure that was the last thing on his mind because he was so tortured by his guilt and knowledge of the torture Jesus would undergo he must have been almost out of his mind, if not completely. I’m also quite sure Judas loved his Master and had no further reason to go on living. He had made just one fatal mistake which was so out of character it didn’t reflect his normal self. Not one of the apostles had backed out of their mission in spite of all the hardships they had to endure, such was the effect Jesus had on them. It is not difficult to imagine how spellbound they were by His personality, His teaching and, above all, His miracles. Judas was no exception. He did exactly what Jesus told him to do:
  						 									 									 1  It was before Passover, and Jesus knew that the time had come for him  to leave this world and to return to the Father. He had always loved his  followers in this world, and he loved them to the very end. 2 Even before the evening meal started, **the devil had made Judas, the son of Simon Iscariot, decide to betray Jesus.** 3 Jesus knew that he had come from God and would go back to God. He also knew that the Father had given him complete power. 4 So during the meal Jesus got up, removed his outer garment, and wrapped a towel around his waist. 5 He put some water into a large bowl. Then he began washing his disciples' feet and drying them with the towel he was wearing. 6 But when he came to Simon Peter, that disciple asked, “Lord, are you going to wash my feet?” 7 Jesus answered, “You don't really know what I am doing, but later you will understand.” 8 “You will never wash my feet!” Peter replied.   “If I don't wash you,” Jesus told him, “you don't really belong to me.” 9 Peter said, “Lord, don't wash just my feet. Wash my hands and my head.” 10  Jesus answered, “People who have bathed and are clean all over need to  wash just their feet. And you, my disciples, are clean, except for one  of you.” 11 Jesus knew who would betray him. That is why he said, “except for one of you.” 12 After Jesus had washed his disciples' feet and had put his outer garment back on, he sat down again. Then he said:
  • Code:
    Do you understand what I have done?
  • 13 You call me your teacher and Lord, and you should, because that is who I am.
  • 14 And if your Lord and teacher has washed your feet, you should do the same for each other.
  • 15 I have set the example, and you should do for each other exactly what I have done for you.
  • 16 I tell you for certain that servants are not greater than their master, and messengers are not greater than the one who sent them.
  • 17 You know these things, and God will bless you, if you do them.
  • 18 I am not talking about all of you. I know the ones I have chosen. But what the Scriptures say must come true. And they say, “The man who ate with me has turned against me!”
  • 19 I am telling you this before it all happens. Then when it does happen, you will believe who I am.
20 I tell you for certain that anyone who welcomes my messengers also welcomes me, and anyone who welcomes me welcomes the one who sent me. 21 After Jesus had said these things, he was deeply troubled and told his disciples,** “I tell you for certain that one of you will betray me.”**22 They were confused about what he meant. And they just stared at each other. 23 Jesus’ favourite disciple was sitting next to him at the meal, 24 and Simon motioned for that disciple to find out which one Jesus meant. 25 So the disciple leaned towards Jesus and asked, “Lord, which one of us are you talking about?” 26 Jesus answered, “I will dip this piece of bread in the sauce and give it to the one I was talking about.” Then Jesus dipped the bread and gave it to Judas, the son of Simon Iscariot. 27 At once Satan took control of Judas. Jesus said, “Judas, go quickly and do what you have to do.”28
John 13 1-28

It must have seemed to him he had no choice and couldn’t change his mind - and he was right. He was compelled to betray Jesus not because he had promised the High Priest’s servants he would but because he knew he was going to fulfil the prophecy and he didn’t question it for the reason St John has clearly given. Jesus knew Judas was possessed and could have exorcised him but He also knew His Mission had to be accomplished at all costs even if one of His apostles had to be sacrificed. The traitor was a martyr even though he was unaware of the fact - and I believe he is in heaven rather than hell…
If Judas was guaranteed heaven for doing that, Jesus wouldn’t have said it is better he hadn’t been born. If he was guaranteed heaven, suicide won’t be the way either. No one commits suicide to go to heaven. He did it for money perhaps expecting a different result. But when he realised things were not going the way he expected he couldn’t accept the shame and horror of his deed and saw it fitting to end his life. But as I said in another post, he could have mitigated the damage by being a witness for Christ at the trial and asking for forgiveness. He did neither. If he has done that and Jesus still meet his fate, the prophecy would still have come true, mankind will still be redeemed but Judas would end up forgiven as Peter did. A gospel preaching Judas would have made a serious impact at the synagogues.
I have pointed out that Caiaphas had so much power it is extremely unlikely anyone would have taken any notice of Judas, especially as he was a Galilean. If he had attempted to accuse Caiaphas of being a liar he would have been arrested on the spot, assuming he even obtained access to the High Priest nor would any of the apostles have had anything to do with him after such a perfidious act… It seems more likely He did it for money expecting a different result, an explanation which concurs with St John’s statement that “Satan took control of Judas”.

The belief that “No one who commits suicide to go to heaven” is not Catholic doctrine.
What about a person whose mind is unbalanced? If you rule out being possessed that is also inconsistent with Catholic doctrine.
I think he answer would be “No”.

But I think Jesus was fully aware of where Judas’ mind was going and how vulnerable he had become, such that it was inevitable that the betrayal would occur. Plus, to agree with your point of view discounts what the gospels actually say about Judas’ motivations, which is primarily greed.

That said, greed and selfishness tends to hide itself in many layers of self-deception. It may be that Judas was telling himself that he was doing something virtuous and right by bringing Jesus before the Sanhedrin.

My two cents anyway.

God bless,
Being motivated by greed is compatible with being possessed. In fact any vice makes us more vulnerable to the wiles of Satan. Jesus told Judas **to do what he had to do **which gives the impression that he had no choice! Why else would Our Lord say that?

God bless,
However, read verse 21 where it says Jesus was troubled. I don’t think Jesus wanted Judas to betray him. He just knew it was going to happen.

“Wake up! Listen to what the Holy Spirit tells you: ‘Si inimicus meus maledixisset mihi, sustinuissem utique—If it were an enemy who insulted me, I could put up with that.’ But you … ‘tu vero homo unanimis, dux meus, et notus meus, qui simul mecum dulces capiebas cibos—you, my friend, my apostle, who sit at my table and take sweet food with me!’*” (St J. Escrivá, The Way, 244).
I agree “wanted” is incorrect but “Judas, go quickly and do what you have to do
implies that Jesus expects him to fulfil the prophecy. Why else would Our Lord tell Judas to go ahead with his plan?
If Judas is in Hell, it isn’t because of suicide, and I personally wouldn’t even think it was for betraying Jesus, so much as it is because he despaired of God’s Mercy. Even after all he did, Jesus would have and wanted to forgive Him, same as everyone else, but unlike Peter, Judas didn’t think he could be forgiven. Suicide can certainly be a result of that, but I doubt it would be a mortal sin here, whereas eschewing God’s Mercy is. Just my thoughts. Subscribing for interest.
I agree “wanted” is incorrect but “Judas, go quickly and do what you have to do
implies that Jesus expects him to fulfil the prophecy. Why else would Our Lord tell Judas to go ahead with his plan?
Jesus is not commanding Judas to go sin. He is simply prophecying what Judas will do so that the disciples will believe.

"I tell you this now, before it takes place, that when it does take place you may believe that I am he. " (John 13:19).
Jesus gave Judas a piece of bread at the Last Supper after telling the Apostles:

John 13:18

If you had been Judas how would you have answered the question:

"Does your Master want you to betray Him?
What if, instead, Judas was sowing animosity between the camp he was in and the other camp without, which would then prompt Jesus to rise up in a Maccabean style revolt against the Roman rulers and herald in the glorious age of Israel. Jesus as King, Davids throne, peace. There is a possibility that Judas was forcing God into acting his promises. Not the first time that had happened.

Betray means “hand over”.
The belief that “No one who commits suicide to go to heaven” is not Catholic doctrine.
What about a person whose mind is unbalanced? If you rule out being possessed that is also inconsistent with Catholic doctrine.
The context of the suicide is that if heaven is guaranteed for Judas, he won’t have chosen the suicide route to get there.

Yes, it does look like the result was unexpected for Judas. He took his life only after Jesus was condemned. He must have hoped against hope that Jesus would be acquitted and he would be richer by 30 silver coins and prepare to jump ship. I think all the apostles were thinking of an earthly kingdom and perhaps Judas came to realize that is not going to happen with a passive Jesus and tried to get something out of it after spending 3 years there. Pure speculation on my part.😃
The context of the suicide is that if heaven is guaranteed for Judas, he won’t have chosen the suicide route to get there.

Yes, it does look like the result was unexpected for Judas. He took his life only after Jesus was condemned. He must have hoped against hope that Jesus would be acquitted and he would be richer by 30 silver coins and prepare to jump ship. I think all the apostles were thinking of an earthly kingdom and perhaps Judas came to realize that is not going to happen with a passive Jesus and tried to get something out of it after spending 3 years there. Pure speculation on my part.😃
I don’t believe heaven is guaranteed for Judas, Eric. He repented but we don’t know the full story. The fact that he became possessed is not indicative of sanctity although perhaps some people are far more likely to attract Satan’s attention than others, e.g. those who were close to Jesus. Judas was regarded as a thief by St John and there is no reason to believe he was mistaken. A moral weakness obviously leaves a loophole which makes us more vulnerable. Being selected by Jesus to be the treasurer may have led to pride on his part and envy by the other apostles. They were all ordinary men not noted for their sanctity. They were rebuked more than once for their lack of faith. Judas was no exception and cannot have been entirely innocent when he became possessed. The Jews certainly believed the Messiah would establish an earthly kingdom, a fact which would explain why Judas reacted so swiftly and hanged himself when he heard Jesus had been condemned to die for claiming to be a king. There are just five words which give us reason to hope he hasn’t condemned himself to hell:

“I have betrayed innocent blood”…
What if, instead, Judas was sowing animosity between the camp he was in and the other camp without, which would then prompt Jesus to rise up in a Maccabean style revolt against the Roman rulers and herald in the glorious age of Israel. Jesus as King, Davids throne, peace. There is a possibility that Judas was forcing God into acting his promises. Not the first time that had happened.

Betray means “hand over”.
That is certainly a possibility, Darryl. Judas certainly didn’t expect Jesus to be executed like a criminal after he had witnessed people being miraculously cured and brought back to life. He knew his Master had the power to save Himself.
Jesus is not commanding Judas to go sin. He is simply prophecying what Judas will do so that the disciples will believe.

"I tell you this now, before it takes place, that when it does take place you may believe that I am he. " (John 13:19).
That’s an important point, Carl, but it doesn’t explain why Jesus made Judas aware He knew what he was going to do. He could have told the other apostles about the prophecy after Judas had left the room. He seems to have wanted Judas to know the truth but what difference did it make? Could be it that Jesus wanted His apostle to kill himself when he realised how much his Master had trusted Him?
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