Could you clarify? Anyway, affecting celiac’s and tasting “so-so” are accidents, not the bread’s substance.
In materials science which meshes in with plain as day experience they are a form of chemistry or physics.
I don’t think God really wants us to have two parallel and different sets of science using identical terminology. In 1200 they couldn’t think of anything better but I think it shouldn’t stop us drawing what is good from Aquinas and the Aquinists if they are good on the personal God. Topics must have formed part of a coherent whole in Aquinas and the Aquinists. After all, the host as Body of Christ is actually about the personal God (especially to the more intense contemplators) as well as about materials science and experience.
If you picture the host as talking to you, when it says what it is, it is telling you its identity!
Essence = fact, property, entity, nature (not too dissimilar from identity)
Substance = thing, matter, material, mass, solid qualities
(Both selectively quoted from Onions 1932 edition to support my case from moderately old-fashioned, middle-of-the-road current usages.)
Another way of saying what I am saying is, is Thomas and Thomism tough enough to cope with paraphrasing or are we irrevocably tied to a form of words by some sort of unwritten canon law? Is it actually
worth explaining straight?
What language(s) are Thomas and Thomism written in? If not English, as an ex-translator from one of my former careers, there are issues in translation to an adequate standard. (I’m not interested in an Irish translation, only an English one. Pretending people and things are different from what they are, appeals to Irish whimsy. But I say the Christian faith and true philosophy and all branches of God’s good knowledge are tough enough to talk about them straight. It is far more important to be able to give others faith than to flaunt a quaint badge of insider identity in their faces.)
This might be behind the portmanteau concept of “consubstantialism” i.e chemically substance in my sense and spiritually substance in your sense, all at the same time, which is the same as what “transsubstantialism” is reputed to be about. The mental twist has not only led to Real Presence Protestants recoiling from Thomas and Thomism to their and the world’s loss, but damaged the reputation of the Real Presence itself in the eyes of others. I merely wondered whether, since substance means accidents, what is the understandable word for substance? I suspect this problem didn’t only crop up in 1932, but was giving people trouble as long ago as the 1400s.
Catholics get irrational because they are told a substance isn’t a substance, but something else is instead. God wants us to be rational scientists (in the normal and best meanings of rational and scientist) AND talk straight and plain AND have a straightforward mental life AND have a personal relationship with Him AND believe AND (for all I know, though I’m not into it) contemplate intensely, as if it were normal for normal human beings to do all these things at the same time (instead of putting different hats on and off). So you see it is about your thread topic.
Is Thomas and Thomism a completely separate dimension from philosophy where the terminology isn’t allowed to mesh in? English has nearly a million words, we can definitely say what we mean in the here and now. If communion wasn’t a queer thing that was invented in the middle ages, we don’t have to make it sound like it was. When I’m personal, e.g with God, I talk about all branches of knowledge, straight, in a roughly 1932 vocabulary. We don’t need queer usages, we can use real words for things!
I’ve got wider questions around Aeterni Patris which I’ll start another thread for, another time.