Dublin priest tells congregation during Sermon “if you voted yes, you have no business receiving Holy Communion”

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According to the Adrian Kennedy & Jeremy Dixon talk show on 98Fm, a Dublin priest in the area of Dublin 14/16 told the congregation attending Mass on Sunday morning that if people voted yes in the referendum on the Eighth Amendment then they had no business going up to the alter to receive Holy Communion.
The Church is very clear in its teachings on the crime against the unborn baby where they say “thou shalt not kill”.

It’s understood that the priest’s comments have been lauded by Catholic activists online, with many saying yes voters should leave the Catholic Church now.
Dublin priest tells congregation during Sermon “if you voted yes, you have no business receiving Holy Communion” – TheLiberal.ie – Our News, Your Views
Good luck to that priest to keeping the church occupied next Sunday.
If this really happened, the man is right – and very courageous.

From the article:
It’s understood that the priest’s comments have been lauded by Catholic activists online, with many saying yes voters should leave the Catholic Church now.
Harsh though it is, I think this makes sense. I don’t see how you can express your support for something that goes grossly against Catholic morals, yet continue to receive the sacraments as if nothing happened.

It bears asking: Did those Catholics who voted yes in the referendum commit a sin by doing so? I think they did. And can this be fixed with a confession? I don’t think so, because a confession requires honest repentance. Those who wanted to (and did) open the path toward abortions a few days ago, can hardly have changed their minds about it now. In other words, they aren’t repentant.
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Those who voted yes are most likely not even hearing the priest’s words because they are not attending mass. There are lots of Catholics in name only in the world.
I was just thinking, not as a serious practical proposal but more as a thought exercise: Would the Irish RC Church be wrong to ask of every one of its members whether they voted yes or no, and to permanently refuse the sacraments to those who answer yes or do not answer, until they have repented in earnest?

I know, I know, the RCC isn’t a police organization patrolling its own parishioners. But really, the situation that has arisen is a rather strange one: according to Wikipedia, 78% of the Irish people are Catholics. At the same time, 66% of those who voted, voted yes.

Now, let’s assume that voter turnout was the same among Catholics and non-Catholics, so that the referendum result reflects the distribution of opinions across the entire Irish population. Let’s say that the 22% (100 minus 78) of the population who aren’t Catholics all voted yes. That means that at the very least 44% (66 minus 22) of the population are people who are Catholic and voted yes or would have voted yes if they’d gone to the poll. This 44% constitutes 56% (44 divided by 78) of all Catholics. In summary, it seems that well over half of all Irish Catholics consented (or would consent) to a change the law in a way that allows for abortions.

Shocking? Methinks yes.
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Someone posted the breakdown of the figures who voted and over 60 % of YES voters were practising Catholics who attend mass every Sunday, So he is right to speak as he is doing and it is good to hear it
over 60 % of YES voters were practising Catholics who attend mass every Sunday
I really am shocked – again. What has the RCC come to, that the majority of its members vote on moral issues in a way that is grossly at odds with the RCC’s teaching? What has the RCC come to that the majority of its members apparently have no qualms about this whatsoever? It’s stunning.
Someone posted the breakdown of the figures who voted and over 60 % of YES voters were practising Catholics who attend mass every Sunday, So he is right to speak as he is doing and it is good to hear it
I don’t know where you got your stats from, but this source says only 40% of Catholics attend mass on a weekly basis. That is less than half of the population of Catholics, about 1,480,000 people. The other 60% of lesser/non attending Catholics and the rest of the population are what carried the vote. I don’t think that it can be attributed to the majority as you have said. Practicing Catholics are not the people that voted for this.

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The other 60% of lesser/non attending Catholics and the rest of the population are what carried the vote. I don’t think that it can be attributed to the majority as you have said. Practicing Catholics are not the people that voted for this.
Please reread what I wrote ? 60 % of those who voted YES are practising Catholics. Which is why the Bishops are so upset. And why we are so upset. And why YOU are so upset.
I know but this has been coming for a long while now. As Jharek says also . The scale and depth of the child abuse, and Tuam has been too much for ordinary family folk to keep faith. The fact of how shocked the Bishops are is … amazing. How blind have then been?People are no longer willing to accept the authority of the Church.
This referendum has the entire country in uproar and divided. As women will no longer “have to go to England” for abortions ( and I have just shocked the YES clan on boards.ie by quoting the figure of 5,000 Irish abortions last year, ) our beleaguered Health Service will now have to take on this . The GPs are appalled. The YES party are desperate to get it all pushed through fast and mistakes will be made. IF Catholics here had been firm and stood firm and obedient? YES would never have won. Desperately sad.
Please reread what I wrote ? 60 % of those who voted YES are practising Catholics. Which is why the Bishops are so upset. And why we are so upset. And why YOU are so upset.
How to get that number from the link you provided in your other post?
Voting yes is a grave, mortal sin. These people need to humble themselves in contrition and repent of their sin. This priest should be commended for making this statement, I wish we had more clerics willing to say the hard truths.
The figures were quoted in a forum and are totally accurate. As is obvious from the final results.
Good luck to that priest to keeping the church occupied next Sunday.
Well that’s not the goal, or it shouldn’t be.
Someone posted the breakdown of the figures who voted and over 60 % of YES voters were practising Catholics who attend mass every Sunday, So he is right to speak as he is doing and it is good to hear it
That number doesn’t seem right. Regardless, are they really practicing or just Mass attending? We have the same kind of slant in the US with regards to votes for abortion and SSM. Sadly Catholic voters are some of the worst.
No, I think you need to take a look at the link to statistics that I have actually provided. Your random 60% that you quote has no source provided.
Please look at the statistic I linked to practicing Catholics in Ireland.
Those voters absolutely committed a sin with their vote. Twice now Ireland, unlike every other country in the world, has had its citizens vote directly on grave moral issues-SSM and abortion- and both times the voters have voted for the immoral choice. That is what makes it so sickening, is that collectively the people of Ireland have said, “yes, we want to make it legal to kill children”. By a landslide. Everywhere else it was forced upon the citizens. Catholic country? I think not. Ireland and the Irish people have lost all respect that they ever had for standing firmly for life. They are now directly culpable in murder.
The dierect vote aspect is key. My state would not have abortion or SSM. We vote against it. It is imposed on us by a bunch of men in black robes.
Stuff like this is why votes are secret, and I hope they stay that way.

I don’t disagree with the priest airing his opinion, but I also think that people’s votes and their Communions are a matter of personal conscience. I’d have voted against the repeal myself, but I would not want to see this sort of reasoning applied to dozens of issues or worse yet to votes for candidates for public office, and it is definitely a slippery slope to start chucking people out of the sacraments based on their votes.
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