End of the Year Campaign Review

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From Vincent Fiore:

Democrat to Watch:* :* There are fewer and fewer after every election, but my money is on Indiana Senator Evan Bayh.* Elected in 1998, Bayh is only coming out of his first term, but has already amassed solid credentials as a centrist Democrat with common-sense proposals.
The Senator from the very “red” state of Indiana is chairmen of the Democratic Leadership Council (DLC), serves on six Senate committees, and will be very appealing to party movers and shakers when the search for a candidate for 2008 revels that if the answer is Hillary, than their fate is one of continued minority status in Washington.
Democrat to Forget:* House Minority leader Nancy Pelosi.* Though Pelosi has been around in Congress since 1987, she remains invisible as a political force on the Hill.* Her best moments are when she is berating the Bush administration on whatever the media feeds her that day, but she displays nary a legislative thought of national significance.* Of course, she did sponsor a bill that requires the secretary of the treasury to mint coins in commemoration of the Old Mint at San Francisco, otherwise known as the "Granite Lady.”* In a world beset with terrorism, these are “weighty” issues, indeed.
Republican to Watch:** It is early yet, but Minnesota Senator Norm Coleman is taking the Senate by storm.* Coleman’s relentless work as chairmen of the Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations has made U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan wish that he had listened to his wife, when she allegedly said: “Kofi, I think that missing 20 billion dollars is going to be noticed.* Now take out the garbage.”* Coleman, a former Democrat, has shown remarkable resiliency in keeping the oil-for-food scandal relevant, though the beltway media choose to virtually ignore it.* If Annan steps down, it will be because Senator Norm Coleman applied the pressure mightily.*
Republican to Forget:** Rhode Island Senator Lincoln Chafee.* The next “jumpin Jim Jeffords,” if the rumors are to be believed, the “moderate” Chafee is rated by the National Abortion and Reproductive Rights Action League at 90%, meaning he has a pro-choice voting record.* But on Tax reform, Chafee gets a “C-minus” grade by the National Taxpayers Union, meaning he does not reach the level of “satisfactory.”* Chafee is a minority within the majority, alongside such “principled” members as Olympia Snowe and Susan Collins, and occasionally, John McCain.* But even the records of these three pseudo-Republicans are near-stellar compared to this guy.

Most Underreported Story:** Easily, it was John Kerry’s Senate record.* I cannot recall a single question asked by any reporter or journalist regarding Kerry’s legislative record.* During his acceptance speech in Boston this year, Kerry alluded to his twenty year record in the Senate with a scant and un-illuminating 97 words out of 5,226.* The Old Guard media, happily and willingly docile, rolled over for Kerry like some overpriced pedigreed pooches roll over for their master.
Rest in Peace:** There are many choices for this one, like Tom Daschle, Joe Lieberman, or even Jesse Jackson-- who is finished as a mover and shaker in politics.* But the one that stands out is everybody’s favorite Texas anchor, Dan Rather.* Humiliated and unquestionably “outed” as anti-Republican after “memo-gate,” Rather will forever be remembered like his one-time nemesis Richard Nixon: a disgrace to his title.* “Courage” Dan, someone worse might easily come along.

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