Ethics is defined as a set of fixed moral principles that govern human behavior. Human is a rational being and his decision is rational too. The question is why we should feel guilty of our actions when they are ethically wrong but rationally right.
Did not God say in the Bible:
“He who is friends with the world is at enmity with God.”
Rational thoughts are not always the moral right thing to do.
“The way of the Cross is folly to the world.”
“God chose the humble and resists the proud.”
God teaches the moral people.and resists those who focus on intellect alone,
“Narrow and difficult is the way to Eternal Life and there are few who find it.”
The Pharisees were very educated men, but were great sinners and hypocrites. Even with all their learning, they were prophesied by Isiaiah as having eyes but never seeing, of having ears but never listening to God.
The Apostles were fishermen, one a doctor, one a tax collector, but they followed their consciences, followed their hearts in following Jesus, and had faith in Jesus.
“I shall write My laws on their hearts.” (God has written His laws on our consciences, so when we are friends with worldly notions, our consciences will still tell us what is right and wrong.)
Which is it better to be
A “Rational” Pharisee
A moral faith filled Apostle