I would suggest that after 13 years of a mixed marriage and having been a member in 4 different parishes and the spouse of a congregant in three Presbyterian congregations, that there are few if no real world examples of “interchurch couples”. It sounds nice but I don’t know any family where each spouse is active in his own church, somewhat active in his spouse’s church and equally sharing with the kids.
The inevitable arguments will start with birth control, the obligation to go to Mass the day after your wedding, the weekly obligation to go to Mass even if you accompany him to worship at his church, whether or where to baptize the baby and many others. Dr. Laura gives some good advice here. Ask him to live as a Catholic for a year(weekly Mass, daily prayer, no going to his church. After that year if he can convert, then marry; if not go your separate ways. It sounds cold but marriage is not easy and kids make it harder. I thought as long as the kids were Catholic it would be okay. Well actually living a Catholic life is difficult when you are second guessed that everything you believe is “not obligatory”
Here are some books and articles on the subject.
Paul and Jeanne Simon, Protestant-Catholic Marriages Can Succeed (New York, NY: Association Press, 1967).
Alasdair Heron, Two Churches-One Love: Interchurch Marriage between Protestants and Roman Catholics (Dublin: APCK by Beacon Printing Co. Ltd., 1977).
Theresa Rebeck, Catholic Update: ‘Mixed’ Marriages: Helping Interfaith Couples Grow (Cincinnati: St. Anthony Messenger Press, 1981).
Barbara D. Schiappa, Mixing: Catholic-Protestant Marriages in the 1980s A Guidebook for Couples and Families (Ramsey, NJ: Paulist Press, 1982).
Elizabeth Bookser Barkley, Catholic Update: Interchurch Marriages: How to Help Them Succeed (Cincinnati: St. Anthony Messenger Press, 1990).
George Kilcourse, Double Belonging: Interchurch Families and Christian Unity (New York/Mahwah: Paulist Press, 1992).
Report of the National Dialogue between the Roman Catholic Church and the Uniting Church in Australia, Interchurch Marriages: Their Ecumenical Challenge and Significance for Our Churches, (Strathfield NSW: St. Paul’s Publications, 1999).
Center for Marriage and Family, Ministry To Interchurch Marriages: A Summary Report, (Omaha: Creighton University, 1999).
Center for Marriage and Family, Building Relationship, Interaction, Decision-making, Growth and Enrichment Through Spirituality (BRIDGES), (Omaha: Creighton University, 2002).
John C. Bush and Patrick R. Cooney, eds. Catholic/Reformed Dialogue in the United States, Interchurch Families: Resources for Ecumenical Hope, (Louisville/London: Westminster John Knox Press, 2002).
Sandra L. Stanko, United in Heart, Divided in Faith: A Guide for Catholic-Protestant Couples (Allen, TX: Sun Creek Books, 2003).
A paper adopted by the Second World Gathering of interchurch families from eleven countries held in Rome in July 2003, Interchurch Families and Christian Unity (London: British Association of Interchurch Families, 2003).