this is not intended to be mean spirited or judgmental. i just want to know what everyone thinks about this. i am a protestant minister considering joining the catholic church. i know the historical arguments, the scriptural arguments, and i’ve heard personal testimony from a number of people. but i had to get some response about my personal experience with catholics. now remember i said i am a protestant minister but i was raised catholic. i attended mass every sunday until i moved out of my parents home. i tried to experience God in church but either i didn’t understand what was going (which is most likely even though i asked many questions and went through CCD and confirmation) or was too distracted by the echoes of crying babies. anyway, in my experience (which was 19 years of mass, 4 years of parochial school, a very catholic mother and grandmother, and living in many different places attending a number of parishes, and having many friends who claim catholicism) i see very few “catholics” whose faith is really a part of their lives. they seem to be the ones who (and this was accused of protestants on a different thread) only spend 1 hour a week with God and the rest of the week they live for themselves. their language (meaning dirty words, course joking) is reprehensible for some one who claims Christ. they make the excuse that they can just go to confession when they sin so it’s not any big deal (protestants are accused of believing they can do anything and still go to heaven. while they do believe this, they also are in general moral people who try to follow Christ’s commands and have more accountability. now i know catholics claim that confession is the best accountability but if it is anonymous what is the motivation to change?). i have met very (and i really do stress VERY) few catholics who really live their faith. now i know not to judge the faith by the believers, but in a sense we are supposed to do just that. i also know that some of these people aren’t true believers while others haven’t been properly catechized. futhermore, this website has shown me that there are many (and i do stress MANY) catholics who do love and live their faith and for that i am grateful to see. but what do you all think of the rampant (and i do believe it is rampant) lack of faith of american catholics? it really has become a religion, a series of hoops to jump through for most of the people i have come into contact with. i know this is long but it is one of the obstacles keeping me from the catholic church.