Falling apart, sorry it’s long

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I don’t know where to start. I fell away from Catholicism. Met my noncatholic husband married in a noncatholic church. Had two kids and came back to Catholicism. He was an alcoholic before I met him. I didn’t understand/see the red flags. He’s still an addict. Not to drugs to stuff, spending money, gambling, treats. He’s ran up 3 credit cards behind my back, drained my account on more than one occasion, quit every job he’s had on a whim. He won’t go to church, even his church. He stays home now and watches the kids, (a whole other set of issues,) while I work overtime constantly to keep us going. I have denied myself of nearly everything through this, even health care because the money wasn’t there. Before I started wearing my card in my bra he was stealing it out of my purse to take money. I hate my life. I have absolutely no trust in him. I have prayed so many Novenas so many rosaries. This last year things have started to get slightly better. I threatened to leave and he quit stealing. I also started wearing my debit card. He’s trying to change but mostly he’s just depressed. And I am so broken I don’t even care anymore. I have no energy left to try. Not to mention my health has also fallen apart and I am facing major surgery with a long time off work to fix some of the issues. He isn’t able to get a job that pays more than $12hr. I am so tired. My boys are the only thing I keep going for. Almost no one in my life has any idea. I never talk about this.
I don’t know what to do. I give my husband ‘play’ money every month $200. He spends it immediately. In one day. He asks for more within a week and it doesn’t stop. He works it into every conversation. The badgering isn’t as bad as it used to be but I have no tolerance anymore. He’s on a three day refusal to talk or even look at me because we spent $300 on car repairs and I told him no extra money. I don’t want to go home when I leave work. Every time I have a day off which isnt often it turns into fighting. I attribute any improvements in our awful marriage to Mary.
I know this is long and rambling but how do I handle him? He was abused in so many ways as a child and most of the way he is is not his doing. He can sound like the most beautiful soul with a good head on his shoulders until he wants his ‘fix.’ Then all intelligents is out the window. I feel like I am raising another child. He tried therapy it did nothing. Mostly, until these last few months he’s refused to do anything to benefit himself. I truly feel like he’s trying now but like I said before I’m so broken nothing in me wants to try anymore. I feel like I am stuck in misery bound by marriage and I’m about to crash and burn.
I’m so sorry you’re struggling, and that you have been for so long. I’m sending you a massive virtual hug right now.

You can’t fix him. You can’t help him, unless he chooses to help himself, and it doesn’t sound as if he wants to. So what you have to do is help yourself - prioritise yourself and your children. He’s an addict and he is abusive, no wonder you’re so tired.

Is there anyone in real life you can speak to? Your family, or maybe his? Your Priest? I highly recommend you get some counselling for yourself, to help yourself manage a little more. Reach out to people, and let them help you.

You don’t have to stay with him. I might get flamed for saying it, but you don’t. Don’t think you have to stay with him because he is depressed and won’t help himself. Even a separation from him sounds like it would do wonders for your mental health, not to mention your bank account.
I would find an AlAnon group and start attending.

I would have a trusted friend watch every penny of the money, no $200 allowance anymore. He is a grown man and can get a job.

You have to protect yourself from this, it IS abuse.
I know this is long and rambling but how do I handle him?
You leave him until he can clean up his act. After a reasonable amount of time, if he doesn’t, then you divorce him.

Please see an attorney to find out how to protect yourself and your kids from his irresponsible behavior. It is abusive.

I am so sorry you are going through this. People only change when they decide they want to. Your husband doesn’t sound like he is even close to having that desire. Make an appointment with your priest. Hopefully he can guide you to services that can help you with this.
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My honest opinion is that if a husband acted like this, like an unsupportive child pestering his sick wife for “play money”, I would kick him out of my life.
His stuff would be on the curb and he would get a letter from my lawyer.
As someone else said, he is acting abusive, as well as grossly immature. The Church does not require us to remain in such relationships suffering on a daily basis.
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All Christian’s get their fair share of trials but that does not mean God wants you to suffer from decisions you made apart from his plan.

That said, unless faced with loss of something important to them, most troubled men/husbands don’t change.

That’s not to mean your marriage can’t be made right in the eyes of God and church.

The only way to know is by declaring your goals, progressive distancing and determination.
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Praying for you. please get counseling. Do what you need to do to protect yourself and your children.
my husband used to steal checks and write $500 checks to gamble with. It took me months to figure out where the money was going, since I wasn’t balancing my checkbook responsibly. I took his name off the checks, off everything we own, and he gets less than $100 each month in social security. (He can’t work.)
Things are much better now.

Please take steps to improve your life. You can’t just going until you crash; that will not help your children. You need to take care of your health.
You need to talk about your situation with a counselor, a priest, a trusted friend.

Hugs to you and prayers for all of you! I echo what’s been said: prayers, priest, lawyer, counseling, cut off the monthly breathing stipend, and separate with the ultimatum that he needs to get his act together. Please, though, do not even hint of separation or anyone leaving until AFTER you’ve seen a lawyer and all your ducks are in a row! Ensure that you’re protected as much as possible against financial harm by your husband. Also, unless your lawyer advises otherwise, it should be your husband who leaves, not you and your boys.

I agree with @TheLittleLady that Al-Anon may help you deal with your husband’s addictions, and help you help your children to cope with the situation, even if you are separated. There are meetings for children, too, once they’re old enough.

If you belong to a union at work, you might be able to subscribe to an attorney plan. Your priest may be able to recommend a lawyer who can help you.
You have my prayers and best wishes for a good resolution.
You had excellent advice upthread.

Also, be ready for the long haul. When you cut him off, he’s not going to just say “gee whiz, I guess you’re right, I do need to be more responsible.”

Best case scenario he doubles down on the badgering. So be prepared for a nonstop battle.
It sounds awful, but you’re not in such a great place now, so you don’t actually have anything to lose.

Take care of yourself. Don’t isolate yourself oven if you’re embarrassed. Get some allies on your side to turn to for emotional support. Make sure you’re eating properly and not soothing yourself with junk food or alcohol. Try to get your eight hours of sleep and fit in some exercise to stay strong (yeah, I know. You’re working overtime).

Keep with your prayer life.
You think your prayers and novenas did nothing, but I think they’ve changed you to the point you’re ready to take action. Let them keep working.

God bless you, and your dear family.
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