I don’t know where to start. I fell away from Catholicism. Met my noncatholic husband married in a noncatholic church. Had two kids and came back to Catholicism. He was an alcoholic before I met him. I didn’t understand/see the red flags. He’s still an addict. Not to drugs to stuff, spending money, gambling, treats. He’s ran up 3 credit cards behind my back, drained my account on more than one occasion, quit every job he’s had on a whim. He won’t go to church, even his church. He stays home now and watches the kids, (a whole other set of issues,) while I work overtime constantly to keep us going. I have denied myself of nearly everything through this, even health care because the money wasn’t there. Before I started wearing my card in my bra he was stealing it out of my purse to take money. I hate my life. I have absolutely no trust in him. I have prayed so many Novenas so many rosaries. This last year things have started to get slightly better. I threatened to leave and he quit stealing. I also started wearing my debit card. He’s trying to change but mostly he’s just depressed. And I am so broken I don’t even care anymore. I have no energy left to try. Not to mention my health has also fallen apart and I am facing major surgery with a long time off work to fix some of the issues. He isn’t able to get a job that pays more than $12hr. I am so tired. My boys are the only thing I keep going for. Almost no one in my life has any idea. I never talk about this.
I don’t know what to do. I give my husband ‘play’ money every month $200. He spends it immediately. In one day. He asks for more within a week and it doesn’t stop. He works it into every conversation. The badgering isn’t as bad as it used to be but I have no tolerance anymore. He’s on a three day refusal to talk or even look at me because we spent $300 on car repairs and I told him no extra money. I don’t want to go home when I leave work. Every time I have a day off which isnt often it turns into fighting. I attribute any improvements in our awful marriage to Mary.
I know this is long and rambling but how do I handle him? He was abused in so many ways as a child and most of the way he is is not his doing. He can sound like the most beautiful soul with a good head on his shoulders until he wants his ‘fix.’ Then all intelligents is out the window. I feel like I am raising another child. He tried therapy it did nothing. Mostly, until these last few months he’s refused to do anything to benefit himself. I truly feel like he’s trying now but like I said before I’m so broken nothing in me wants to try anymore. I feel like I am stuck in misery bound by marriage and I’m about to crash and burn.
I don’t know what to do. I give my husband ‘play’ money every month $200. He spends it immediately. In one day. He asks for more within a week and it doesn’t stop. He works it into every conversation. The badgering isn’t as bad as it used to be but I have no tolerance anymore. He’s on a three day refusal to talk or even look at me because we spent $300 on car repairs and I told him no extra money. I don’t want to go home when I leave work. Every time I have a day off which isnt often it turns into fighting. I attribute any improvements in our awful marriage to Mary.
I know this is long and rambling but how do I handle him? He was abused in so many ways as a child and most of the way he is is not his doing. He can sound like the most beautiful soul with a good head on his shoulders until he wants his ‘fix.’ Then all intelligents is out the window. I feel like I am raising another child. He tried therapy it did nothing. Mostly, until these last few months he’s refused to do anything to benefit himself. I truly feel like he’s trying now but like I said before I’m so broken nothing in me wants to try anymore. I feel like I am stuck in misery bound by marriage and I’m about to crash and burn.