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Any idea where I could read more about the practice of fasting?

How to do it? Prayers to pray to stay strong while fasting? Benefits of fasting? History of it in Catholic tradition?
A priest-friend and I had a great discussion last week about dieting vs fasting. He suggested instead of being on a diet, how bout being on a “holy fast?” lots of implications there. Bet you can come up with many! I need to do it for myself and for my world around me.

bless your “holy fasting!” VeronicaS
Any idea where I could read more about the practice of fasting?

How to do it? Prayers to pray to stay strong while fasting? Benefits of fasting? History of it in Catholic tradition?
A great place to check for good, thorough, and comprehensive answers to simple questions is New Advent (“the Catholic encyclopedia”).

Under F at the Home page, the word fast is listed.

Here’s the Web address for that page on “fast.”

The text on that page has hypelinks to elsewhere on New Advent about that particular thing.

Have a great time!
Any idea where I could read more about the practice of fasting?

How to do it? Prayers to pray to stay strong while fasting? Benefits of fasting? History of it in Catholic tradition?
This is an old post so i don’t know if you are still there or not??

One benefit of fasting is it gives your body a break from digesting food, which is a very complex process involving many, if not all of the body’s organs (stomach, pancreas, gall bladder, liver, etc.). So, while the body is not digesting food, it is involved in healing. Beneficial hormones are released when fasting over 24 hours.
I would just drink a lot of liquids, don’t do any hard work (take leisurely walks) and rest as much as you need to…
It would help to know your age… The older u r, the harder it is (usually) to fast…
Anyway, eating once a day is a form of fast that i feel is healthy to do on a regular basis… (depending on your activity level).
God bless…
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