Listening to a Catholic Talk Radio show this morning about Fatima. Seems the supposed apparition of Mary told Lucy that there would be a coming fashion trend in women’s fashions that will make God very angry. That the great majority of souls in Hell are there because of sins of the flesh. That it offends God greatly for women to expose their bodies immodestly, etc. No mention of men’s fashions, and no mention of how offended God was at the fact that several million of his creatures had just killed each other off in WWI. She also reported that a new and more terrible war would happen. Something, that in my opinion any observant person who studied the Treaty of Versailles could figure out was eventually inevitable. The more I read about Fatima, the more I doubt the veracity of what took place there. God complaining about women’s fashions at a time when millions of Germans and Russians were laying rotting in the fields of Europe seems banal and ludicrous. Any opinions?