Some distinctions have to be made.
- The necessary conditions of human life are separate from but dependent on the laws of the physical universe, and if there were different laws then there could be different necessary conditions for human life.
- The “fine tuning argument” is useful only as an indication of the unlikelihood of the universe producing the necessary conditions for human life, suggesting a designer that guides it there.
- Omnipotence never extends to contradictories, a principle which could lead us to a subtle discussion of what kinds of things in existence are purely arbitrary (like how much stuff is in the universe) and what is in at least some sense necessary (like geometry), but could not lead us to conclude that the FTA does not fulfill its rhetorical function.
- The FTA should not be thought to be a demonstration but rather a suggestion of probabilities, and as such not only isn’t a watertight argument but also confuses the idea of God’s existence.
There is a serious fallacy in trying to apply probability arguments where you have a sample size of one. Since we know nothing about the initial conditions that lead to the observable universe, we cannot apply a useful statistical analysis to the likelihood of a particular physical principle being one way or the other. About all the Anthropic Principle can really say is that if the universe weren’t like it was, we wouldn’t be here to talk about it.
And it’s not just theologians and philosophers that are bothered by it. Physicists, even those nasty rotten atheistic ones, ponder entities like the Fine Structure Constant. In fact, I’d say at least some of the motivation of those advocating brane and multiverse theories is to create some sort of statistically relevant sample size (as in, 3 out of 10 universes have a Fine Structure Constant that can support a large periodic table of elements).
What if only a narrow band of physical constants can lead to a universe capable of sustaining complex structures? What if the majority of possible starting conditions lead to universes that are stillborn; they don’t expand, they collapse back into a singularity, they are never capable of producing more than a haze of subatomic particles?
If, as you say, omnipotence cannot confer the ability to create logical contradictions (as in, not even God can make 2+2=5), then certain facets of inhabitable universe very likely are themselves derived from certain logical and coherent precepts. In other words, if there is a God, and that being did create the Universe, perhaps He had very little freedom in the starting conditions and fundamental constants that physical laws are built on.
I used the example in another thread of the proverbial pizza chef, who has a vast menu, millions, even billions of possible toppings, but only a very small subset of that menu will produce a pizza anyone could eat. Yes, he could put arsenic pellets and botulism bacteria on a pizza, so in that way he has near unlimited freedom, but if he’s going to make a pizza that anyone could or even would eat, he’s stuck with a menu of maybe twenty or thirty toppings.
So far as we understand it, that is what the Universe is like. Certain basic constants and physical laws may be variable, but those that can produce a universe capable of producing and sustaining complex structures of matter and energy are probably only a small subset of that larger set of values.