Fired Catholic school teacher (pro-abort) appeals dismissal of lawsuit

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DOVER, Del. (AP) - A woman fired from her teaching job at an all-girls Catholic school after publicly supporting abortion rights is appealing a federal judge’s dismissal of her lawsuit.

Michele Curay-Cramer, a Catholic who taught at Ursuline Academy in Wilmington, was fired in January 2003 after her name appeared in a newspaper ad supporting abortion rights. The 32-year-old teacher sued the school, the Catholic Diocese of Wilmington and Bishop Michael Saltarelli, claiming her dismissal violated federal civil rights law. But last month, a federal judge dismissed her suit saying Curay-Cramer was asking the court to entangle itself improperly in church affairs.

Today her attorney filed an appeal to the U-S Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit in Philadelphia.
I hope the court takes the same opinion on this that they would if it were an Islamic school. If she is pro abortion she can’t be Catholic and if she is not Catholic why should she teach at a Catholic school?
If the Church had any courage they would publicly excommunicate her. Even if she already has done so herself, the Church should publicly state this.
So a former employee is suing an employer for firing them because they acted contrary to the employers good-will in violation of contract?
AAnother point to remember is that if that Acadamy for girl is strictly PRIVATE, then it is a different kettle of fish. Private Schools and Organizations are exempt from Federal hiring and firing Laws.

That ex-teacher was obviously an outspoken Pro-Abortion Fanatic. Look what a mess the school would cause if they retained her. The parents may pull their kids out of the school. In my state Parochial schools are in a tough spot for money. They need all the students they can get. Most Parochial H.S. have combined boys and girls just to have enough money to stay open. We do not need Abortionists Rights people in the Catholic Schools. Good ridance.:yup:
I hope the court takes the same opinion on this that they would if it were an Islamic school. If she is pro abortion she can’t be Catholic and if she is not Catholic why should she teach at a Catholic school?
Huh? Are you saying they would be more lenient if it were an Islamic school? maybe…

I’m afraid though that unless upholding Catholic views was part of her contract, she may be able to make some headway with this if her state laws allow. A private employer is subject to wrongful termination laws as much as government is. She also has first amendment rights–did she expound her views strictly out of school or in the classroom too?

I heard in these forums that plenty of Catholic school teachers are non-Catholic. Let’s just hope that the school had some express terms about this in the employment agreement.
Huh? Are you saying they would be more lenient if it were an Islamic school? maybe…

I’m afraid though that unless upholding Catholic views was part of her contract, she may be able to make some headway with this if her state laws allow. A private employer is subject to wrongful termination laws as much as government is. She also has first amendment rights–did she expound her views strictly out of school or in the classroom too?

I heard in these forums that plenty of Catholic school teachers are non-Catholic. Let’s just hope that the school had some express terms about this in the employment agreement.
You bet I am saying the liberal courts in America would be more inclined to force the beliefs of an Islamic school on it’s teachers than those of a Christian school.
The state of Delaware’s employment laws are easy, it is a right to hire, right to fire state. Unless you have a employment contract with some pretty good teeth in it you can be fired at any time for no reason at all. I am very surprised that a pro-abort slipped into a position at the Ursulin Academy, they used to be very strict about screening all potential employees. I have know several women who went to school there, it is a very highly rated school.

Linda H.
I completely support this action by the school. It is a pity she couldn’t accept the personal responsibility of her actions and ultimately pass blame to the school. What a shame those children in that school needed to be exposed to such behavior and to her poor example.

On the flip side, they have a good strong role model in the values of the principal and the school. The message that has been sent to the kids is that this is wrong, we will not tolerate this behavior and do not condone such.

My ex-husband taught in a Catholic school for several years, then decided to shack up with another teacher at the same school. Both got fired for living togheter before marriage. While not quite on par with supporting abortion, the message is clear. If you want to teach at a Catholic School, you should live the faith.

Amen for someone having courage to stand up for what is right!
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